Episode 1 - Introduction

Milton Keynes Dons
Founded: 2004
Nickname: The Dons
Chairman: Pete Winkelman
Stadium: stadium:mk, capacity: 30500 (Though FM will tell you otherwise)
Honours: League Two 2008, Football League Trophy 2008
Hello ladies and gentleman, and welcome to a brand new story from yours truly, where I will attempt to take Milton Keynes Dons to the top of the footballing pyramid - but with several twists. For those of you who weren't aware, the Dons are possibly one of the most hated clubs in English football. Why? Well, just last decade, the once thriving Premier League side Wimbledon were in severe financial trouble. They were in the shit, balls deep in the stuff, to put it lightly, and were threatened with folding. So when a Milton Keynes-based consortium came knocking, not for the first time, and offered them a move to the new town of Milton Keynes, complete with a flashy new stadium among other developments, owner Charles Koppel was enticed - in stark contrast to the fans who largely detested any such move. After months of discussions and hearings, Wimbledon were eventually cleared to move, which they finally did in September 2003. A season of relegation and administration later, and Wimbledon became MK Dons. The whole process had been extremely controversial, and to this day disputes about the club's name and history still take place. AFC Wimbledon were founded in 2002, and eventually rose through the lower leagues to become and cement their place as a Football League team. The first meeting between the new sides took place in 2012, a 2-1 win for MK in the FA Cup.
But why have you chosen them?
Good question, me. I've had this idea for a little while, ever since I noticed there was an almost total lack of MK Dons stories on this site, especially in comparison to AFC Wimbledon stories. I thought, for once, it would be nice to play as "the bad guy", and the whole idea of being such a controversial club really intrigued me. No history? Who cares, we'll write our own as we go along. On top of this, they have some great youth prospects, a top quality stadium and an interesting manager, for a number of reasons...
Karl Robinson
Nicknames: Karl "with a K", Robbo
Date of Birth: 13th September 1980
Trivia: At 29, he was the Football League's youngest manager at his 2010 appointment. Karl was also the youngest man to achieve a UEFA Pro Licence.
Karl Robinson seems the perfect suit for a manager, not least because he's already in charge of the club. Currently the second youngest manager in the Football League, after only Lee Johnson, son of Yeovil boss Gary, Robinson has stated on a number of occasions that he will not leave until he can get MK into the Championship. Although I plan to achieve much more than just promotion, a manager with such loyalty and determination to a club with a minimal list of legends and former players is a no-brainer for my choice for this story.
So what are your goals?
It's not about winning the Champions League or signing Ronaldo, as nice as they would be. I want to:To stride towards these goals, however, I also neet to set some rules for myself. Failure to abide by these rules will result in a penalty, decided if and when it is required:
And, of course, any of these may be subject to change throughout the story, as I may look to impose extra limits for myself.
Thank you very much for reading the first update of this new story, I hope you enjoyed what you have seen so far. Any suggestions or constructive criticism are welcomed!My past stories may not have been that long, or great for that matter, but I plan to surpass those with this story. It's not about getting a Story of the Month nomination, it's about making a story I can be proud of and you can enjoy. Once again, thanks a lot.

"They seem to be in total, if not complete control"
- Jon Champion, Football Commentator of 20 Years