FMScout Kit Of The Week Competition Restart!
Welcome to FMSCOUT KOTW, restarted! Since Louis ran the competition so well until it stopped due to a sad lack of kits, I've decided (with the help of some others) to get this back in action, starting from the beginning. Meaning that no winners from the old version will be kept in this version, this is a completely new, restarted version. In this, you will make a set of kits (home, away and third) for whatever team given, which will just be done randomly, each week. Every month will have a theme, so for four weeks, you will make kits for a club from that theme. For example, in January, if the theme is Premier League clubs, the first week could be Arsenal, then Chelsea, then Newcastle, then Everton. The theme will be revealed on the first Tuesday, as will the first team. Each team will be revealed on Tuesday unless you are told otherwise, and you will have until Friday morning to make them, and at that time, the poll will go up with all of the kits, and you have until Sunday morning to vote.
PM me the kits you make, and I will check that they obey the rules below.
Rules of The Competition
• The kit must be fantasy in some way. You can use the same sponsor and brand, for example, but you cannot make an exact copy of a previous kit from that club. • You can only submit one entry for the one week.
• In your set, you must use the same brand and the same sponsor on each kit, but you can change to a different version of the brand or sponsor's logo.
• All three kits must be 180x180 or 200x200, so they can find on one row to make for a nicer layout.
• For your home kit, you must use their traditional colours. You can use a slight variation of this colour if you want, but don't use blue if you're supposed to be using red. For the away and third, you can go crazy with whatever colours you want.
• Don't show anybody else your kits or it'll ruin the element of surprise to the poll.
• Every kit must be a separate image.
• Save your kit with no background and no pictures around it. Just a kit on nothing.
• You can only make SS kits unless asking me beforehand. In this case, I will allow you to make FB kits or Standard kits, as they are similar to SS kits.
I hope this becomes successful, and let the kit making games begin!