The national media were called together today after the announcement from the FA that they intend to form a club side to be entered somewhere into the current league structure. Greg Dyke was present, along with his appointed panel of experts, to answer the many questions the country was no doubt desperate to the answers to.
GD - Greg Dyke
HW - Howard Wilkinson
GC - Greg Clarke
RH - Roy Hodgson
M - Media (various)
GD - Good morning everyone, thank you for coming. We know you have a lot of questions and we will try to get through as many as possible today.
M - Greg, Sky Sports, we are curious, how does this move benefit the current England setup?
GD - Well, one of the main points that kept getting raised time and time again was the small amount of time the international squad spends together. The arguments are that, like any team, they need time to 'gel' and without that we could only expect a group of individuals rather than a team.
M - So are you saying that the current team lacks cohesion?
RH - Not at awl, we have a good set of pwayews wight now, some of whom pway togethew weguwawly awweady. But pwayews who wowk well as smawl gwoups awen't as effective as pwayews who pway as a team.
M - Hi guys, Daily Mail, my question is to Mr Clarke, how exactly is this going to work. Surely the players a team like this demands would need to be in the top flight but you can't just add a team to a league you don't control?
GC - That's a very good question, and one we put a lot of thought into. We wanted to find a way to create the kind of club that could compete properly in the current league set up without causing too much disruption. Obviously there will be some turmoil as we need to secure the players we want but in the long run we aim to make this fair to the teams we will be taking them from as well as the players themselves.
M - That's all very well, but how will this team fit into the current structure?
GC - Well, we decided that it would be best to look at crisis clubs that exist in the Championship and work with one of them to 'rebrand' it into England FC. That way we get to help an established club out of a sticky situation and at the same time place our team into the highest league the FA has influence over. The players may not like being out of the Premier League but I for one, am confident that they'll be back there next season anyway.
M - TalkSport, so which club in crisis is going to benefit from the FA and won't there be a conflict of interests with disciplinary hearings and such?
GD - We are in talks with a couple of Championship sides to see who would be best placed to house the team, it's important we get this right so we won't be naming the club until we are 100% sure. However, I do want to reassure fans that we will do everything possible to preserve as much of the club we select as possible. There will be a new name, the England kits too, and a whole new squad of players but that is better than the alternative… administration.
As for the question of it being a conflict of interests, this club will sit within the league and therefore will abide by the same rules and regulations as everyone else. There is nothing to be gained by showing favouritism and I can assure you now that none will be shown.
M - That's all well and good in theory but how can you prevent bias from creeping in when the club is owned and run by the very organisation that claims to govern them?
HW - That is a fair enough question, and one we had considered also. We decided that no-one from Greg's panel or the FA in general would be involved in the day to day running of the club and that the back-room staff, board and management would all consist of the cream of the current English crop of club level staff. The club will be run like any other, don't worry about that.
M - Hi guys, the Sun, so who is gonna manage this team of international flops?
HW - That is totally unfair, that these players haven't achieved success at an international level is far removed from being a flop. These guys are at the peak of their profession, are you considered a flop because you only work for the Sun…?
M - Well… no, I hope not… no…
HW - You probably are, but that is neither here nor there, my point is that these players are primed to finally reach their potential and as such we aim to give them a manager who knows how hard it can be at both club and international level. A living legend who can inspire and get the best out of his players.
M - Who…?
GD - Thank you gentlemen, that is all we have time for today. We will see you all again soon, I'm sure of it.
As the assembled journalists file out of the room there is an excited murmur as each speculates on who will be managing this innovative new team, how the rest of the leagues will react and if it will even work in the first place. Greg and his panel sit back and watch them go, happy with themselves for finally taking action.