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A little FM Classic mode Story...

Reason to no edible database in FMC..
Started on 23 October 2014 by stuffe6
Latest Reply on 23 October 2014 by stuffe6
  • POSTS1
  • VIEWS6512
During Football manager 2012 development back in 2011…

Employee1: I have a great idea. Some people from the community have complained that football manager is taking up too much time so lets add a scraped down version and call it Football manager classic.

Employee2 (From now on lets call him former EA-employee): Great idea. But lets call it a “free” addition to the football manager game by introducing unlockables and use it as a cash cow.

Boss:Me like $$$.
Employee1: But wont people just use the pregame and live editor to circumvent the unlockables. And wont in alienate the gamers?
Former EA-employee: Screw the gamers. Lets remove those features from FMC and say that the reason why they are’nt included is because of “technical” stuff and because we need to keep it simple.

Employee1: Ok but I still don’t like it. I think that fewer people will play it without those features

Former EA-employee: That’s not true. I know from my time at EA that it is quite possible to release not finished games and milk the gamers by releasing unlockables that should have been included in the game from the start without sales going down. Players will complain but that means nothing as long as were making $$$

Employee1: But will players not just use 3rd part editors like fmrte to circumvent the unlockables?

Former EA-Employee: Good point but not a problem. Lets threaten fmrte-developers with a lawsuit if they develop the program to be used in combination with FMC
Boss: Me like $$$. Lets do like Former EA-employee says.
End of 2011…

Employee1: Ooops I made a glitch in the Football manager 12 so it is possible to use the edible data set in FMC after all. Now players will now that it is not because of “technical limitations” but because of $$$ that the database was not included with FMC.

Former EA-Employee: Crap… Lets fix it in a patch and hope that the gamers are too stupid to realize this fact…

3 years later during development of FM15…

Employee1: I was right all the time. Only 10% of gamers play fmClassic. Probably this is because the gamers are having a hard time accepting that they have to pay for stuff that was already paid for when they downloaded the ingame liveeditor for fm2014 and the lack of an edible database.

Former EA Employee: No matter - we will just put some extra features in FMC mode let gamers have the ability to mess more with the original database without opening the possibility of editing it. That will prob increase sales without hurting the cash cow unlockables…

Employee1: But…
Boss: Me like $$$ and me very stupid not realizing that there are prob more money in releasing an actually playable FMC so lets do what former EA-employee says…

The End.

Epilog: And that is the reason to why we will NEVER see an edible database or ingame liveeditor in FM-Classic.

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