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Genie Scout 15g FAQ

All you need to know about the 'g' version of Genie Scout for Football Manager 2015.
Started on 27 October 2014 by Stam
Latest Reply on 7 October 2015 by Stam
  • POSTS57
  • VIEWS109573
HI all, maybe a silly question but I like to donate to GS15 however where do I get the unique ID???? as I do not have GS15 installed...

Many thanks
2014-11-24 05:53#201066 harrow : HI all, maybe a silly question but I like to donate to GS15 however where do I get the unique ID???? as I do not have GS15 installed...

Many thanks

You can find your Unique ID in GS11, GS12, GS13 or GS14.

Once you open GS, click the big circular icon to the top left corner that should open the main menu.

Go to 'Help' and then find & click 'Donate' to the right column that slides next to it.

A popup window will come up, you need to copy the Unique ID.
I have just donated to GS15. WOOT WOOT
Hello Eugene,

I'm soorry but my english is bad. I have donate this morning to recieve G version.
I have receive the link to download the program, but more than 1 hour after this mail, i don't have recieve the mail with the key.
Last year i've already donate for de 14G version and no problem to recieve the key. I have the same computer, with the same antivirus.
Can you help me please?
Thanks and sorry for my is far from
It's ok. I've recieve yesterday in the night what i needed.

Hello, I'm using 15g version and I have some problems with program.
All of my players from S.Korea's nationality has changed Chad, and statistics are not exactly either.
I want solve this problems and use program better.
Please help me.
Hi, I'm new to 15g.
What's that new PD column in the player search list?
Have you ever considered to add a field to filter player by club?
I need to request a new key for Genie Scout 15g for my new laptop and I keep reading I need to email Eugene for this yet it never mentions the email address I need to send it to.

Probably being stupid and it's somewhere obvious but where is the email address I need?!
genie @ (take away the spaces)

I believe that is the e-mail address, although I am not 100% sure.
2015-02-28 18:51#209343 Justice : genie @ (take away the spaces)

I believe that is the e-mail address, although I am not 100% sure.

Thank you, this is indeed the correct address and I have now received my updated key.

I do think the address should be made more clear on the website though. I searched more than one topic for help in resolving my issue and everybody else that asked was told, helpfully enough, they needed to email Genie for a new key yet not one thought to include the email address they should be using. Even in the FAQ it is not included in it's proper format. Near the very top it is quoted as 'genie AT fmscout DOT com' so I completely missed it when I skimmed through looking for the relevant address.
where do i find my unique ID to donate? I havent got Genie scout yet but would like it, but it wont let me donate without the ID
I had donated and it said i would get my 1st email through right away, but I have no e-mail from genie scout yet?
2015-03-04 19:17#209728 superharber : where do i find my unique ID to donate? I havent got Genie scout yet but would like it, but it wont let me donate without the ID
As explained on the donation page, in the top right corner.
Still no first e-mail as I waited patiently over night. Not looking good :(

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