A not so good meeting

After our very disappointing draw against Cherry orchard I was on my way home until our chairman Bernie O'Connell stopped me from leaving the building. It was really late and I did not want to be bothered as I am already in a bad mood. He tells me to get my ass over to his office ASAP or he would fire me on the spot. Oh shit what did I wrong I keep thinking to myself. Yeah October has been bad but..
I quickly enter his office and he tells me to sit down and shut up.
BO: "I don't want to hear any bullshit O'Leary only speak when I say so!"
KO:(To myself I am like Jesus Christ man calm down and hesitantly I say) "Yes Sir"
BO:"We (the board, members of the Co-Op and fans) are very angry about this result. What the hell happened? How do you draw the worst team in the League?"
KO:(I really don't know what to say so like an idiot I say)" It was just a bad day and these things happen."
BO:"No excuses Kevin, we expect winning and promotion and currently in 5th you need to get your head out of your ass if you want to continue coaching here."
KO:"The next few days of practice will be very intense and we need to focus on improvement. I know I let the fans down and I feel bad."
BO:"Feel bad?? What are you 12?? You might have cost us fans as I made this a fan day."
KO:"Look I understand I fucked up this month just please help me in January."
BO:"What do you mean help me?"
KO:"Honestly this team sucks and I want some funds for better players."
BO:"Are you seriously telling me how to run this club?"
KO:(Oh crap I'm dead)"Not at all" he cuts me off mid sentence.
BO:"You are on a short leash fella now get the fuck out of here before I toss your ass out of here for good."
I quietly and quickly get up to leave. My god that was bad. I can't believe that I am about to get fired if I continue to screw up. Soccer is not a fun sport to be around when you are losing. Now I see why i left a few years back. I don't think I will be able to sleep and I contemplate going to the local pub.