I've updated the Arsenal Third kit as the one in the pack is incorrect
hope this classy work continues; they haven't released new league kits for a long time - lots of stuff are waiting in the WIP list.
Without any doubt,
FC'12 is the best looking and most realistic kit pack for FM!
Keep up the good work mates!
Thanks. They will continue for sure. Only the main team have now other priorities. I have a newborn at home, Orthodox had to take a second job to cover his losts due this years SI restrictions. Other havent even answered my messages or promised help during the Christmas holidays...
oh that's great
Patres10, congratulations! Hope a healthful & happy life to your baby. Nothing is more important than him/her for sure.
So we will gladly wait new releases
Hi guys!
Don't get me wrong, but is this project dead? There has been no new stuff for some time now.
That is a shame, considering that these are the best looking kits out there.
No, this project isn't dead, it was only stopped for now.
As I told many times, I have a newborn at home and was promoted in my job. Orthodox had to take a second job to cover his loss due this years SI restrictions. There are some guys who helped us, but only with they national leagues and did not continue with anything else. Therefore...
How about to give us a helping hand? Is it really so hard to make a kit, when you have templates and plenty of tutorials how to make it? I really don't have time now to fulfill your wishes. Is it so hard to understand?
As I said, don't get me wrong, m8. As you, I also have newborns at home (2, actually!). I would be glad to help, but I also have 2 jobs, and I lack pp skills to make a decent work. As I said, it was not that my intention.
I'm just a bit surprised that no one else is helping you with that. I'm sure there are a lot of talented people out there. It's a shame that no one steps in to help.
Sorry if my answer offended you in any way. Wanted only to make clear, that I really now don´t have time to work on any new singel kits or packs.
As I said, I was promoted recently in my full time job. I´m a head deputy in our project now and my working hours changed to 10-13 per day, therefore really don´t have time to work on anything related to FM (don´t even have time to play it) and you can see it according my answer two week after your post.
If I get any free time, I promise, I will make a short video tutorial how to make a simple kit from the templates, or how to "draw" a new one.
Thanx for this awesome kits!
This is actually the best kits for FM so far, beautiful and realistic!
Why SS kits has a larger number of kits? It was the best for a long time, but now if you compare to FC'12, SS is so ugly LOL