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Having trouble with tactics

Help appreciated
Started on 12 December 2015 by GregOwen1985
Latest Reply on 28 December 2015 by JmG88
  • POSTS2
  • VIEWS8487
Hi all,

I had some great tactics set up on FM 2015 and they worked brilliantly but since I've been playing FM 16 I am struggling really bad. I usually use a wide 4-2-3-1 or a narrow 4-3-2-1 but I'm not getting anywhere with them even after tweaks here and there. Also I know you can only save up to 3 tactics to play and obviously your team becomes used to those said tactics but what if you wanted to change your tactic for every single game? Not so much with the formations but with the instructions it then drops from how well your team knows that tactic as if they have to learn it again. For instance with a low ranked team against a big team you may want to be defensive and try and nick the game from set pieces not usually how you would set up but it can ruin your tactic to make these changes can it not?
The best thing to do is have 3 fully trained tactics, and make sure one of them is very defensive, and one is more attacking than you're "usual" tactic. The reason for this is, if you make slight changes during a match or before, for example. The change in the comfortability won't be a lot, as they already know it very well.

I generally don't alter my tactic, and stick with the same one, but slight changes depending on the circumstances during a match. If I'm losing etc.

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