Diary Entry One
13th June, 2015 // Sandbanks, Poole, Dorset, UK
I moved to England five years ago. It was a tough decision. But my home country is unstable, and with the vast amounts of money I had, I was a target. England is viewed internationally as a safe-haven, somewhere where people could feel safe and secure. It was tough, I left my beautiful wife and children at home, but they know, and I know, the move was for the better. I also needed a new challenge. In my home country, I had risen to the top, in terms of power, wealth and influence on its people, relatively easily. I needed a new challenge. So moving to a new country, one with a very different view on life, culture, did this for me.
And now, five years on, I have settled. I bought a multi-million pound house on the south coast of England, in Sandbanks – which, I think, is the most expensive place in England – with great sea views and famous neighbours, a certain Harry Redknapp comes to mind – and I couldn’t be happier. Although, I am missing something from my life. An occupation, a large toy, to call it. Because without my family with me, I feel lonely sometimes. I need something to take my mind off my children. Despite coming from where I come from, I am a big fan of a very western, yet international, sport. This sport of football, and from when I was young, much to my father’s disgust, I always wanted to be involved in the sport. I used to secretly play football when he wasn’t about – he still doesn’t know about that. I used to dream of being the next big star from Asia, they aren’t many of those in the sport. But, school got the best of me, and then my job brought my so much success, I didn’t have much time to concentrate on football. But now, maybe it’s time. Time to give my time to the sport. I need to consider lots of things first. But, I could look. I could investigate. I can see how far it gets.
I know plenty of my friends own football clubs. So if I need help, I can get it. However, there is one club that takes my heart. I live on the coast, I love the coast. The resort town of Bournemouth is up the road, and I have been following the club since I moved. The fairytale story is magical, the support is phenomenal, and I can’t help but be drawn in by the culture of the club. Jeff Moystn and Maxim Demin has done wonders, but now, according to newspapers, now we have finally reached the big time, he is looking to sell, to move on. I’m not sure how true these rumours are, but I can do some research, some enquiring, and see how it goes. Who knows, in a couple of weeks’ time, I could own a football club.