More customization for kits.
For example:
For ''create a club'' mode the ability to upload a file, like a smart shirt designer file.
More new questions for pressconferences and interviews, and more on topic as well.
In game editor:
Being able to edit every aspect of players and staff members.
Higher set limit to change a clubs balance (money).
A quicker way to edit/create players and staff in game and also pre game.
It just takes too long with the current set up.
Less player and staff name reincarnation. I don't want the new gens and staff to have the same exact names as my senior players and current staff.
Destinct playing styles for computer controlled teams.
Make sure that different teams have there own specific player styles.
No messing with young players properties.
For example:
When a top young player has the highest or near highest score on his abilities, the game always resets it to 15.
That's annoying.
Obviously I'm not referring to deteriation of veteran players, i'm talking about top young players.
The option to control more than one youth team, basically to control the youth academy, and set which aspects of the game your academy will focuss on.
Set parameters, etc.
For custom clubs in ''create a club mode'':
Being able to decide what the playing style of your club is.
What the style of club management is, fr example:
Focuss on developing young talents, rather then buyng stars, etc.
Being able to update your (away) kits every season, if you wish to do so.
Being able to design your own stadium.
Being able to negotiate sponsor deals.