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FM 2019 New Logo Branding

Started on 7 August 2018 by Stam
Latest Reply on 15 October 2018 by Stam
  • POSTS4
  • VIEWS6990
Football Manager 2019 marks the retirement of the trademark Football Manager logo with those circular "swooshes" left and right.

As Miles Jacobson said:
The idea is that it's close enough to the old one to be recognisable, whilst being fresh and feeling new.

We asked our followers on Twitter and the new logo is much preferred over the old one.

We also asked the fans of our dedicated FM19 page on Facebook. New logo is ahead there as well, though the gap between them is smaller.

What do YOU think about the FM19 logo?
I am a huge fan... just need the background picture to be consistant
I'm sad ! Even though the new one look nice.

When you have a look backward, it's the main way to recognize the game ! I will definitely be nostalgic.

Changing the logo wasn't a priority. It's definitely hard to get better every year but they are so many improvement possible to make the game more realistic. I hope they only spent 1 hour on this and not days and days with meetings etc.
I'm pretty sure they did spend quite some time planning this particular change. Well, not the people in the studio though; they've been working on the actual game. The designs were done by some third party company, but I suppose a certain amount of meetings still took place.

New logo is not a complete departure from the old one. The fonts are similar. Just the swooshes are now gone.

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