The Introduction

Daniël Visser, born and raised in the streets of Groningen, Netherlands, was a big football fan. His childhood was rough, both his parents being alchohol addicts, he faced many problems as a young boy. His mother and father weren't treating him how a child should be treated, as he saw the ''real life'' earlier than he should have.
He wasn't a good student either, so other people from the streets thought he would end up as his parents did. The only thing that kept him from the problems was football, he discovered his love for it at a very young age, spending most of his childhood out on the streets with other kids.He felt he could do anything when playing it
He was never a tall kid, strength wasn't his asset either, but he was a really intelligent player. Even though he was young and hadn't played football for too long at the time, he showed great footballing intelligence and was always the best player on the streets. He never got into any kind of problems, and was just a shy, silent kid, who loved football.
As he grew up, he had less and less time to play football, which made him sad, but never got him down too much. He knew he had to work hard even at the young age, to be able to eat a meal every day. His parents weren't helping the situation with their financial problems, with most of their money being spent on alchohol. He knew he had to work extremely hard, to make sure he has a normal life.
Daniel's love for the game never faded away, with him spending most of his free time playing and watching football, but the hard work he was doing made his knees and his back a weak spot in his body. All that work a poor child had to do made him a very injury prone person. It looked like he was made out of glass, with almost every physical contact with him on the pitch leading up to an injury. He knew he had to stop playing, because all those injuries didn't help him with his already hard work he was doing.
At the age of 18, Daniel got offered a better job, which meant he could get away from his parents house and get a new life started. He still had to work extremely hard for himself but it made it a lot easier for him as he had a better house to live in, and his peace that wasn't interupted with drunk people constantly around him. It also gave him a chance to meet the women of his life, Kirsten.
Kirsten was a 19 year old girl Daniel immediately fell in love with. She was a woman of his dreams, and a big contrast of himself in many ways. Kirsten was born and raised in a big family house. Her parents were hard-working people who loved and spent time with their children, like every parent should. Kirsten was a great student, and most importantly a great human being. She accepted Daniel as he was, offering him all her love and attention at any given moment, as same as Daniel did to her. They got engaged after 2 years of dating, with Daniel being 20 and his fiance being 21 years old.
Six months after they got engaged, Kirsten got pregnant. They found out it was a boy and decided to name him Mathijs.