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Pre Season Date

Started on 10 February 2020 by TomTB1995
Latest Reply on 11 February 2020 by WesleySneijder
  • POSTS2
  • VIEWS4222
Is there a way to manually select when pre season starts on this year's game? I prefer them to be shorter but haven't been given an option and have just been told my squad are back on the 26th of June. Feels slightly early for me.
2020-02-10 23:09#266564 TomTB1995 : Is there a way to manually select when pre season starts on this year's game? I prefer them to be shorter but haven't been given an option and have just been told my squad are back on the 26th of June. Feels slightly early for me.

I believe there used to be a way of changing the preseason start date but it now depends on which league you're playing in.

Perhaps there's an option in an editor but I doubt it.

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