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Skins on iMac Retina ?

Do the skins work on Retina 5K screens?
Started on 15 November 2020 by JPRanu
Latest Reply on 19 November 2020 by paolope83
  • POSTS2
  • VIEWS2450
Hi everyone !

I'm sorry if my question is nos posted in the right place, or if it has already been asked !

I'm new on FM, I will receive the FM21 when it's released, next week.
I see on many forums that there are many ways to "improve" the game by adding some graphic stuffs, like facepacks, logos, kits... and skins.

But I wonder : are the skins working on a very big screen?
I have an iMac 27", Retina, so my resolution is 5120x2880, not the regular 1920x1080 HD screens of PC's.

So what will happen if I do want to use one of those magnificent skins I see on this site ?

Many thanks for your answers !
I'm running the Beat version on a 27" Imac Retina. Most of the skins will work effectively, some of them also scaling their definition to your and mine best resolution. Some others have some issues, but they will be fixed. I've played FM of IMac since 6 years now, no problems happened, you just play sharper and bigger ;-)

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