This is his first season...with proper guidance and training he will be great
This is his first season...with proper guidance and training he will be great

# Mikac : I wont play him as winger...first reason is because he is similar type of player to Rooney and second is when I set training for new position (AMR) it says Ineffectual
# FM_GOD : Yeh it will say ineffectual because that is his current level of ability, but if you kept the new position set he would get better. Would go up to awkward - competant - accomplished and then maybe naturalOK...I will give it a try
# macdab55 : Why I can't have such regens, But there was takeover in my save and my borad is improving youth facilities and then I will ask for better youth academy then maybe I will have such talents.
# Evo : In the board interaction theres an option in networking to improve "youth recruitment network." I reckon improving this increases the quality of newgens that appear in your youth squad rather than the youth facilities and academy.
You are reading "Best regen".