Halo guys..
Saya baru mulai menerjemahkan ke bahasa Indonesia di FM21 v21.4
Yaaaa mungkin baru seperempatnya mungkin belum. Karena kesibukan jadi lama ngerjainnya. Ini baru 2 hari sih semoga gak sampe sebulan ya.
Ada 300.000an lebih line mungkin (malas ngitung) belum lagi word by word nya.
Ya insya Allah pasti langsung di kerjain cepet, kecuali sakit atau ada something else.
Hello guys..
I just started to translate to Indonesian on FM21 v21.4
Yeah maybe only a quarter maybe not yet. Because it's busy, it takes a long time to do it. It's only been 2 days, I hope it won't be a month.
There are more than 300,000 lines maybe (lazy counting) not to mention the word by word.
Yes, if God willing, it will be done immediately, unless it is sick or there is something else.
Contoh bisa dilihat di :
Examples can be seen at:
http://j.gs/GjZg (google.drive)
Karena File terlalu besar 20mb, silahkan download di ini : http://j.gs/Gjen
Because the file is too big 20mb, please download it here:
File BETA/DEMO ini bisa langsung unduh di sini :
This BETA/DEMO file can be directly downloaded here:
- Salin / Potong ke direktori :
C:\Users\RKB DESIGN\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\languages
- Buka Game
- Ganti dengan Bahasa Indonesia
- Pilih dan Reload skin
Selamat menikmati!
- Copy/Cut to directory:
C:\Users\RKB DESIGN\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\languages
- Open Game
- Open Prefence
- Change with Bahasa Indonesia By: OmJhon
- Apply and Reload skins
Saya baru mulai menerjemahkan ke bahasa Indonesia di FM21 v21.4
Yaaaa mungkin baru seperempatnya mungkin belum. Karena kesibukan jadi lama ngerjainnya. Ini baru 2 hari sih semoga gak sampe sebulan ya.
Ada 300.000an lebih line mungkin (malas ngitung) belum lagi word by word nya.
Ya insya Allah pasti langsung di kerjain cepet, kecuali sakit atau ada something else.
Hello guys..
I just started to translate to Indonesian on FM21 v21.4
Yeah maybe only a quarter maybe not yet. Because it's busy, it takes a long time to do it. It's only been 2 days, I hope it won't be a month.
There are more than 300,000 lines maybe (lazy counting) not to mention the word by word.
Yes, if God willing, it will be done immediately, unless it is sick or there is something else.
Contoh bisa dilihat di :
Examples can be seen at:
http://j.gs/GjZg (google.drive)
Karena File terlalu besar 20mb, silahkan download di ini : http://j.gs/Gjen
Because the file is too big 20mb, please download it here:
File BETA/DEMO ini bisa langsung unduh di sini :
This BETA/DEMO file can be directly downloaded here:
- Salin / Potong ke direktori :
C:\Users\RKB DESIGN\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\languages
- Buka Game
- Ganti dengan Bahasa Indonesia
- Pilih dan Reload skin
Selamat menikmati!
- Copy/Cut to directory:
C:\Users\RKB DESIGN\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\languages
- Open Game
- Open Prefence
- Change with Bahasa Indonesia By: OmJhon
- Apply and Reload skins