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FM Scout failed to load game

Started on 25 January 2023 by Jasperout
Latest Reply on 27 January 2023 by alwaysstella
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2023-01-26 21:45#291629 Kronen :
Legal? Yes. Moral? No. I donate every year and I am a little fed up with the in-game scout not working for several years now, even though it's a paid/donated-feature.
Also, updating the Scout isn't a big deal. It should be a script simply finding the new pointers. There is very marginal manual work if any at all. This isn't high level programming. All other "tools" (that cost less) are updated within hours. So I am on the side of the complainers here. Nice tool, I have donated upwards $100 over the years, I feel like I am entitled to voice my displeasure here.
I don't know in your country but you can get Genie for the price of 2 beers per year, come on, be serious bro I can invite you to 2 beers if you want because no matter that you voice your displeasure here, it will be done when it is done, no sooner, no later.

Mate, why do you feel the need to be so condescending towards someone who has every right to express their point of view.

Sure don't agree with them but you don't have to be such a dick about it
ShaolinPower's avatar Group ShaolinPower
2 yearsEdited
@Kronen You are funny dude. I love FMScout and I can't play my favorite game without it.But if you do not realize that before all, this is a big business for them, then... you need to wake up.
Let's say 10 % of the 58589 downloads donated 5$ ; this makes almost 30 000 dollars.
So yeah, not too bad for a one-man small business. Very happy for him and he deserves this. BUT yes, it's normal we expect 24 hours maximum updates with such figures, especially if it's a very simple one to do. That said, bad luck can happen, and maybe it's the case right now, which explains the (too long) wait. Edit : super glad about the update, which just happened this Friday morning :)
2023-01-26 21:45#291629 Kronen :
Legal? Yes. Moral? No. I donate every year and I am a little fed up with the in-game scout not working for several years now, even though it's a paid/donated-feature.
Also, updating the Scout isn't a big deal. It should be a script simply finding the new pointers. There is very marginal manual work if any at all. This isn't high level programming. All other "tools" (that cost less) are updated within hours. So I am on the side of the complainers here. Nice tool, I have donated upwards $100 over the years, I feel like I am entitled to voice my displeasure here.
I don't know in your country but you can get Genie for the price of 2 beers per year, come on, be serious bro I can invite you to 2 beers if you want because no matter that you voice your displeasure here, it will be done when it is done, no sooner, no later.

Thanks, I can buy my own beer and would rather not drink one with you based on your condescending attitude. The money is not the point, there have been years in which I donated more than the bare minimum. The product is effectively being sold for $7, advertised features (in-game scout) haven't worked for years, updates are slow compared to other tools. Now, is Eugene obliged to push faster updates? No. But I have the right to voice my displeasure and I don't really know what you are arguing here. You are not the one criticized, what do you have to lose if I lobby for faster updates and fixes of the program (looking at you, in-game scout)?

Don't get me wrong, I love the tool and have been using it and donating for years. But I work in software development myself, and I can tell that it took hundreds of hours to create the tool, but the time needed to maintain it is absolutely minimal. Updating pointers after a game update takes 2min and can actually be automated within the program. Known bugs are not really worked on. I don't know what the issue with the in-game scout is, I would guess it's an overlay issue which is not the hardest to fix if you know what you are doing (driver, DX etc), but obviously there has to be some effort put into it. There are other issues as well: the check-for-new-version still doesn't know that there has been an update this morning, column order sometimes gets scrambled if you create a custom layout, shortlist feature is buggy, top list feature requires a bit of rework since the sale-value is not accurate anymore (value is though, so you would just need to switch that out), you can search for a potential "best position" but not for a "potentially best role", you can't search for unhappy players, loading times remain excessive due to the entire RAM being scanned I suppose, etc

I will still keep donating every year (even if it has gotten more expensive) and I am thankful that this tool is provided. I am still disgruntled every now and then at how this great tool is maintained. Maybe consider making it open-source, I would gladly see if I can help fixing some of the issues.
Looks like this thread took a strange turn.

GS23g was updated earlier this morning by the way, which is not uncommon (there's usually a delay of a few hours and up to 2 days after patches).

@skylax: I understand the displeasure, and it certainly doesn't hurt to voice your concerns and make feature requests. Eugene is busier than ever though (new country, new job, etc), so I'm not sure how much of what you're asking is possible for him to deliver.

The check for new version requires a number of manual actions in which I'm also involved, so there's naturally a bit of delay (couple of hours) due to the availability of 2 people living in significantly different time zones.

I'm not a software dev myself, therefore I don't know if updating pointers for version change can be automated at all. If it was possible, wouldn't Eugene (or anyone else making FM tools) implement it after all these years? Surely, nobody likes the frustration that comes with every new patch release. Another problem is that a patch can require way more tweaks than a mere version change, and there's no chance to automate that.
The in-game scout issue remains a mystery as he's unable to replicate it.
Sale value should probably be renamed to something else (e.g. probable sale value) because asking price in-game is a "live" calculation that changes constantly and has been impossible to crack for anyone who tried it.

Some of your requests are interesting and I've forwarded them to Eugene to evaluate for the future.
flonairs's avatar Group flonairs
2 yearsEdited
GS23g was updated earlier this morning by the way, which is not uncommon (there's usually a delay of a few hours and up to 2 days after patches).

Hi Stam, is the problem solved so right now?
If you own the "g" edition, yes.
The update for the public edition is still pending, but should arrive later today.
2023-01-27 13:25#291640 Stam : If you own the "g" edition, yes.
The update for the public edition is still pending, but should arrive later today.

2023-01-27 06:58#291635 skylax :
Don't get me wrong, I love the tool and have been using it and donating for years. But I work in software development myself, and I can tell that it took hundreds of hours to create the tool, but the time needed to maintain it is absolutely minimal. Updating pointers after a game update takes 2min and can actually be automated within the program.
I am a software developer myself too so I do understand what does it need to be done here, that was not the point...
The real question is why don't you just use another tool instead of genie of the ones you say are updated faster than 2 days... oh wait :)
I've just created an account to back up Kronen and whoever made Genie Scout. It is a god-damn passion project, these people have entire lives that have nothing to do with you or football manager so its amazing that they spared any time to build the thing in return for voluntary donations. Ignore the one idiot, they always shout the loudest, and thanks for the tool, looking forward to running it when the update comes out!

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