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CA / PA and Attributes

Started on 25 December 2010 by Rex_Wrex_Wrecks
Latest Reply on 11 January 2011 by Pep
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]Out of my personal interest, I've been trying to understand how FM works and how attributes affect various things within the game. In the past, I've used Genie Scout, FMRTE and the FM Editor to play around with the attributes. If some of you have done the same, you may have noticed the following points:

  • Simply increasing the CA does not increase the attributes.
  • Increasing the attributes without increasing CA will cause the attributes to fall back down within a few days/weeks in the game.
  • So, if you really want to increase the attributes, you have to increase both the CA and PA.

So, it's always interested me to try and understand how the CA is distributed across the attributes. Obviously, some attributes are negative (such as Injury-Proneness), and they should be lower.

I would like to therefore create a guide/documentation to help people understand how this works. It will also help them to edit players themselves through the Editor.

Since I have no knowledge of FM Editing (beside the absolute basics), I need help from someone (like an experienced editor) to help me understand and help me document the same.

Any takers?
increasing the CA will increase the attributes and will improve the player without the attributes dropping after a few days.
let's say you have a player with PA 200 and CA 100, if you make the CA110 that is 5% increase of the attributes, in the game, the attributes will increase by one point and will remain so until the player developes due to training, further increase the CA level with FMRTE or any other program, or decrease because of age.if you modify the attributes directly without changing the CA, than and only then that attribute will decrease. in some cases you can modify one or two attributes without changing the CA level. i did it with pique when he was playing for man utd. he had acceleration and pace 11 and 13 and i put in 20 at both and remained 20 for a couple of years until i got bored with the game and quit playing

I kind of understand what you said. There a couple of things I didn't understand, though...could you help explain once again the following points please:

  • In your example, the increase of 10 in the CA is taken as 5% of the PA. So, by increasing the CA by 5% (of PA), how many attributes can I increase by 1 point?
  • Let's assume that I have 2 players, both having CA 100. One has PA 200, the other has PA 150. 5% of PA 200 is 10, 5% of PA 150 is 7.5. Does this mean that in order to increase the attribute of both players by a single point, Player 1 has to increase his CA by only 7.5 (or 8) while Player 2 has to increase by 10?

1. all(or most) of the attributes will be increased by one point. you can't choose them just by modifying the CA.

2.not very good with numbers and i got mixed up in you're writing but... if you increase both players by 10% both will gain one point. the diference is that the first player(with PA200) will be better in the long run since he has more space to improve(PA 200) than the second player(PA 150)
Very interesting...I actually did understand what you meant then. :)

Now if I have to make a "guide", I'll need to do a bit of experimentation. That'll be a lot easier to do once Genie Scout comes out, though. :)

Thanks for your help, mate! :)
no problem. good luck with the guide
I think the training schedule combined with the coach training levels determines which attributes will be increased, with the higher training levels given a higher probability of increasing (Sounds quite obvious).
I noticed that Genie scout is usually quite off with it's prediction of stats and therefore I think it might use the 'general' schedule for it's prediction.
It's very interesting though how this works :)
Maybe you could try creating multiple youngsters with different PA's/training schedules, go on holiday mode and note their CA and attribute changes every half year.
I also do alot of editing and would like to ask a question to those who know more about the editor than me. When editing players CA and PA i go by the assumption that;

186-200 equals a legend
185-171 equals a world class player
170-156 equals a good player
155-141 equals a decent player
140-125 equals a average player

I know this is probably off so could someone tell me how off i am?
i really don't think that you're's about right
I think this is a very interesting thing to know to edit players atributes correctly.
I have a lot of doubts about this and, i would like yo know how is the relation between CA and the different skills. I'm going to explain my doubts with an example:

If you increase 3 points of finishing and "out of ball" to a striker, how many points of his CA you should increase?And i think it's different to increase key atributes(like in this example) than other (for instance marking shouldn't affect to a striker CA).

I think someone iwth a lot of FM edition could help us in these doubts.

I take advantage of this to ask if there is any edited database file with better ratings than the official, because i want to edit deeply the database and i prefer to begin with a better base than the official database.
There is no better base than the official database. I can't see why you'd even think there was. SI's researches are plenty and knowledgeable.
I'd so your average player would be atleast around the 100 mark
# Tom_BcFC : I'd so your average player would be atleast around the 100 mark
yeah you're right. i carried out a test today and although not exact, i have slightly more acurate figures i think.

186-200 - legendary
166-185 - world class
146-165 - good
125-145- decent
106-125 -average

to answer legulello's question, when you get up to the "good" player level, attributes done really drop by much if you edit it wrong or increase by much (usually just 1 point) so when you edit a player, give them the level you think that attribute is and put them on the ability you think they should be on and let the editor handle the rest. If you put a players technique on 13 and it shows up 14 or 12 in the game, theres not much of a difference there. If it goes up or down by more than one point then you probably need to either raise or lower CA.
Having thought about it I reckon for each level of CA there is a number of points for attributes. People who like maths might enjoy this.

For example imagine a player with CA=1 has a base attribute allocation of 150 units, these units are spent on attributes, technical and mental attributes = 1 unit and physical attributes = 2 units. To get at least a 1 in each attribute would cost 44 units so a player with CA=1 has attributes of mostly 1-5. For each level of CA a player gets an extra 5 units to spend... so CA=1 gets 150 units, CA=2 get 155 units and so on. By CA=200 a player would have 150+(200x5)= 1150units to spend on attributes.

That how I see it works, obviously hidden attributes and right/left foot would be included too but that was just a basic example.

Maybe confusing but in my head it makes sense. :D
# legulello : I think this is a very interesting thing to know to edit players atributes correctly.
I have a lot of doubts about this and, i would like yo know how is the relation between CA and the different skills. I'm going to explain my doubts with an example:

If you increase 3 points of finishing and "out of ball" to a striker, how many points of his CA you should increase?And i think it's different to increase key atributes(like in this example) than other (for instance marking shouldn't affect to a striker CA).

I think someone iwth a lot of FM edition could help us in these doubts.

I take advantage of this to ask if there is any edited database file with better ratings than the official, because i want to edit deeply the database and i prefer to begin with a better base than the official database.

when you increase the CA you can't choose the attributes that will improve, the player will improve equaly all the attibutes. if you want to improve one or two attibutes, you can edit them and they won't drop(i made an example about pique...2nd post of the topic)

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