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Fresh FM 2012 ideas

Started on 20 March 2011 by raydenvm
Latest Reply on 23 June 2011 by benkane44
  • POSTS39
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I definately agree with the greater control of Tactics there is not enough flexibility in my opinion.

Another feature I have always thought would be good idea is the option to loan a player back to the selling club as part of the transfer as a bit of a sweetner in the deal especially when it is an exciting prospect who is used to that club and settled and can continue his development before joining your club when you require.

This would allow you to buy the player earlier with a smaller transfer fee and the freedom of calling him back when required.

As for a manager personal life ....... do me a favour, i just wanna manage my club :D
How about being able to send your coaches/physios/scouts on courses to improve their attributes? These courses would cost so you would only be able to do this within your clubs financial constraints and whilst they are away doing the courses they would not be able to train your players.
Cruz's avatar Group Cruz
13 yearsEdited
My idea is a lil strange, but it has a lot to do with the realistic management/coaching:

I wanna be able to train specific game actions with my team... noumsayin!? like attacking moves, off ball running, corner/free kick actions, especially movement in the defence!

because that's the most annoying part of FM, the defenders often look like they don't know/don't care how to behave in specific situations, like, they just let the oppostion attackers do what they want.... sometimes my defenders' running seems to be unlogical. It's very annoying! Doens't matter if you're playing with a zonal or a man-marking defence, hard tackling, tight marking etc., they don't seem to be listening!
(even tho I have the best defenders...) the attackers look like they are much faster and smarter then my defenders, but they ain't! I wanna be able to tell them exactly how they should behave in specific situations...

and when it comes to attacking moves, I wanna be able to create specific attacking moves, the FM free-role option just doesn't work, even if your players are Messi, Pastore, Müller, etc....

Everyone who knows something about football knows that the space between the defence and the midfield is crucial, and I wanna be able to use it better...

If you watch Barca playin, then you realise that their attacking game is based on using that area, they create 80% of their chances in that area, and that's what I wanna do with my team, but the FM just doesn't allow you that freedom so much!

I hope the creators will do something in that area... :-)

I think it would be a good idea if you could name in editor a new created team or new created city or new created competition if different languages like you could do in FM2005 editor cuz they would be different in other languages.
I'd be pleased if they would renew the match engine. It's pretty weird to defeat from a low profile team on 3 goals and if I reload the match with the same tactics I win on 3 goals. Where is the consistency?

The other thing is if you have a good team and you keep winning the matches than there will be another team in the league with alot worse players winning their matches from one to another just to compete you...

My third issue is the reputation... If I'm with a team with low rep I can't sign high rep players no matter how much money I have, which is ridiculous nowdays.
I only ask for a better match engine. My team may score from 40 yards and I just can't feel that happy. Sometimes I give myself the time to watch the Goal of the Year and I end up saying: What a waste of time!

I'm not asking for a PS3 Pro Evolution Soccer replay style but football is about goals and SI isn't quite there yet.
i would like to see an 'on the ball' and 'off the ball' tactic to move your players in different positions when on/out of possesion. sure it was used in a previous version!?!?
wouldnt like a managers personal! but history and favourite personel would be cool.
training i would like a few team bonding exercises, 5 a side games and mix first team with youth. also a option for a mid season training camp get away when fixtures permit
# 0:0 : I play this game since CM 97/98 and if they add this option to spend manager's money on houses and cars, it will be the end of this game for me.
I agreed

Firstly FM's the best managerial game ever made. Would be great if the ideas of the hard-core players get taken on-board! Ok, as a seasoned and well-practised player there's a couple of suggestions I would love to put forward - take them under advisement, or not, but I feel I would like to contribute!

-Press conferences
The press conference is a massively repetitive bore. They could be far more varied. Surely through STEAM updates or something similar they could write newer more modern questions that we could integrate every month etc by way of a seamless regular short downloads to enhance the gaming experience! i.e. whatever current career you're playing on - after the update, the new questions get fed in to keep the game modernised by not too much effort.

-In game tactics
Sometimes I cannot get my head around the fact that the games are somewhat scripted. The in-game tactics don't really seem to change things. The amount of times you type things like "full back overlap" and they just don't! this talking even if I have got a couple of Brazilian re-gen worldies! would be so good if in games the things you did you could actually see it. Meaning then the opposition would have to close down your full backs and you could see their CFs actively coming out to shut them down, then you could get your GK kicking short and playing simple passing out to your CBs and starting moves from there.. Just a more interactive slant on things. also, these tactico's (as they say in Spain) could blow up in your face by CF's shutting down your RB/LB and them nicking the ball and exposing holes. all depends on their tacking stat against your defenders dribbling/passing stats etc. Thus training your CFs to 'Dive into tackles' will actually make a difference!

Youth development
I won't divulge too much as people have already said some fantastic ideas. But what I will say on it is that you could develop in game feuds with other managers for stealing your young wonderkids, which in time would develop into fierce rivalries i.e. in the press conferences "is it true you and everyone associated at the club still feels bad blood towards David O'Leary (sorry my most hated manager!) for the acquisition of Sergio Sergales from your youth academy in 2008? how does seeing him on the team sheet against you make you feel? blah blah blah! Could develop into real time feuds where all the managers hate each other and never let sleeping dogs lie – even so far as that the other club appears on the clubs rivals page on the teams information page… loving the ideas of academies in foreign countries to funnel their youth. you could allocate slices of budget for advertising and open days that could be proportioned much the same as your competition bonuses High, Medium and Low. Or you could hire a Press agent to handle with your input, or not at all as on the options screen you could tweak... thus adding a spin to hiring the best most sought after name for press agents etc...

Directors of Football/Chairmen:
Seriously think this needs consideration, when signing up for a managerial role you get your brief, i.e. you don't get cart blanche in regards to signings at certain clubs - step forward Mr Abramovch. You get hired at Chelsea, great role. Then you get the Ruski handing you £30 million quid cart horses and saying play him or it's your job. without him being in your vision of signing every under 20 wonder kid on the game and forging the youngest and brightest team you find yourself having to work Yedgor Titov into the starting line up or standing by a misfiring striker (AHEM, no names mentioned) in your press conferences with people asking you "why oh why!?" when you know it's to appease your highly strung Chairman/Director of Football.... could add an interesting spin, especially when giving mixed messages in press conferences to deflect the attacks you could put your relationship in jeopardy with the men upstairs! I know it's ridiculously fickle in football but bring on some of the highly hard to keep jobs and challenges to stop making every team you take over the same in essence: weed out the crap, get in young talent and leading stars and start progressing. Why not have to keep some of the shite players involved and train them to do jobs in the side, or work hard with them on the training field to pull their stats up and get this misfiring donkey firing again! all kinds of repercussions though, your stance could impact on them so much that they go AWOL, causing more tension between you and the hard to please chairman... long winded but I’m sure you can see the possibilities!

Club Ethos (my concept!) –
You hear all the time in the modern game that teams don't respond to a certain managers ethos and training methods. Think Hodgeson at Liverpool.
Why can't there be a whole selection of Ethos's to take on as a manager, think how Pep "ultra football" Guardiola goes about things – has his own ethos that can’t be bettered.
Imagine, you have a massive list of ethos’s to select from that would best suit your style – i.e. your chosen Ethos selected as you start creating your manager is something like "total football" (the extreme), then you could look for and recruit a whole coaching team of guys that adopt the said method. Your team won't be able to play ‘fluidly’ until you've got everything in place meaning full deck of coaches recruited to coach the method so that the chosen Ethos has time to gel on the training field too – naturally still doesn’t mean you’ll be successful as you may not have the players to pull this off – i.e. donkeys at full back etc! Also could mean in some cases that you may have to play 'direct' aka Big Sam style in the interim whilst you still have a target man and whippets to pick up the pieces whilst it takes time to get your coaching staff on board and get the team playing a different style altogether meaning that bringing in them all important playmakers takes on a whole new dimension, rather than stuffing them in and expecting 7+ seasonal ratings with assists coming out of their ears (come on - you all know we've done it!) - just adds more effect to the managerial experience. You then won't be able to square peg round holes and it would make the game even more realistic. For example in reality would Peter Crouch ever do amazingly well at Arsenal? - can be argued either way but I'd say not overly - not to down play his talent but the Gunners don't exactly lob crosses in every week, even if not can’t see him keeping up with their one touch play! Where-as if you started a season on FM and stuck him up front in your first year he'd probably do more than 15 goals and do pretty well.... See where I'm going. Defo food for thought on the whole ethos thing. Think real life, think Bolton. Under Sam Allardyce they were notorious for playing very directly, very successfully too. Since Owen Coyle has come in you can see he's got an entirely different ethos, again, successful, just watching them get the ball down and play it is great (Owens a quality manager) - look at him bringing in Wilshere on loan, the boy Lee as a wide midfielder, Petrov, you can actively see he's changed the ethos and got them playing good football or at least trying to play good footy. Two very different styles both successful in their own right. Imagine, taking over a Championship side who's ethos was "long ball" or "channels" and thinking right - "not on my watch!" - binning the old regime and bringing in your passing football ethos and getting this stamped on the club (on the team information sheet where you read squad personality “determined” or “professional” etc you could have Club ethos). Back to taking over the championship club - you sell the war horses at the first opportunity (and thank them for their time naturally!) then pick up a few ball players and taking your team to promotion playing your own ethos. How fulfilling. Then getting to the prem and not abandoning your stance and then getting press conferenced stating "your team played some wonderful football today but find yourself on the losing team, are you considering changes to your style in order to survive etc...." then you have judgement calls to make, do you do the Holloway and stick to your guns, or do you bring in a couple of stalwarts at the back, a general in the middle of the park and a bruiser up front and start going direct in a desperate attempt to stay up – do you abandon your ethos and try getting in guys whom specialise in direct football, you can see where I am going… Maybe the press start targeting you because you’re too stubborn putting pressure on you, do you change your stance….. ultimately you could play really well and record some brilliant performances but if you got relegated on the last day the harsh reality of football management strikes home and comes the sack! Or a directive stating that if you don’t get promoted on first attempt you’re out on your ear! You could interact with the board for you to go away and study different ethos, or when out of work you could start expanding your knowledge by doing this therefore not a total waste of time being out of work!

I do appreciate that younger guys and girls want to play the game and would prefer plug and play super teams but there could be a amateur/semi pro/pro, option originally when loading up the game to activate or deactivate these settings so everyone’s still happy as could be a little bit deep for the younger players if all brought about!

Definitely need some work. Could be as people have said and make it a bit deeper hand in hand with the match prep by adding more options. I personally would love to be able to personalise set pieces, you see some creative ones in real life, people spinning off and receiving the ball behind the wall and cutting back for tap ins.. Or the old Reading “everyone charge up the pitch and catch them offside” – naturally could lead to epic fails etc dependant on how good your defenders are, or how long they’ve been playing together just think your regular back four all do the Reading charge, you pop someone in though injury cover and he’s left standing there when you forget to change your set pieces which costs you a vital goal… just different dimensions.. I would like to be able to focus on stats and put people on regimes for improving certain areas a bit more dramatically, you see in real life how Frank Lampard developed Ronaldo’s free kick, he wasn’t born with that, he trained and practised to get to a point where he was swinging them into the net! You see all the time on scout reports that people have weaknesses, would be nice as a manager to be given a little more leeway to eradicate these so that you’re more open to signing them – again all would depend on the level of coach you have at the club etc too.

The dreaded word! Just think a bit more dedication needs to be added to relegation. Basically if you’re not sacked and kept in your role they should bring about automatic conditions from your board that you’d need to adhere to. I.e. your chairman/board could enforce transfer out on you, selling your top stars, or you be issued a directive that your wage budget is to be slashed by 40% meaning you’d have to bring about whole sale changes almost straight away to ensure your clubs survival. Basically tighter implications on your job because you didn’t hit your target of survival meaning you know you’re still safe in the job for another year at least but you don’t any longer have a free reign!

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