Ok first off gnagare are what AIK fans are called, I am starting this off in the 3rd season, along with the help of red_army20, and my visit to him and their game / ground this is told like a tale and not based of stats e.t.c I don't know how long this will go on for but any feedback will be appreciated, oh also I am translating all speak into English as I can't speak Swedish 
The beeping of the alarm on my alarm clock went off I ignored it still half-asleep............
10 mins later
My alarm on my phone went off, I groaned, today was the beginning of my season....
I had been AIK manager for 2 season's prior to this, and as I walked through the house the player, the tactics, the answers everyone was expecting, and looking for, ripped through my head like a tornado.
I switched on Sky Sports News while eating breakfast, they all were commenting on transfer speculation, but none of it being Swedish, I thought to myself one day they might all be talking about Swedish clubs. But currently the Swedish league is fairly low in rating, hopefully my AIK side could help the other teams follow suit...?
The suit that clung the my body seemed almost heavy like lead when I caught my reflection in the mirror, the door slammed behind my new house on the outskirts of Stockholm. It was too early for anyone else to be awake, but work had to begin.

The beeping of the alarm on my alarm clock went off I ignored it still half-asleep............
10 mins later
My alarm on my phone went off, I groaned, today was the beginning of my season....
I had been AIK manager for 2 season's prior to this, and as I walked through the house the player, the tactics, the answers everyone was expecting, and looking for, ripped through my head like a tornado.
I switched on Sky Sports News while eating breakfast, they all were commenting on transfer speculation, but none of it being Swedish, I thought to myself one day they might all be talking about Swedish clubs. But currently the Swedish league is fairly low in rating, hopefully my AIK side could help the other teams follow suit...?
The suit that clung the my body seemed almost heavy like lead when I caught my reflection in the mirror, the door slammed behind my new house on the outskirts of Stockholm. It was too early for anyone else to be awake, but work had to begin.