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Don't know where I'm going, but I'll get there!

Started on 31 October 2011 by l3nnart
Latest Reply on 30 July 2012 by The FM Rookie
  • POSTS185
  • VIEWS135616

After taking you on an epic journey with my beloved Bloods last year I've decided to take you on another ride this year. Things will be diffrent this time around though, instead of taking one team from the bottom to the top I'll be travelling the world taking on whatever challange I'm faced with. My only goal is to get to the top of the Hall of Fame, but how I'll get there is yet to be seen.

I'll be making my way into the harsh world of football with only sundayleauge-expreince to show for. Naturally this will make it hard just to get started since only a handfull of clubs are going to be desperate enough to give me a shot... well well, we all need to start somewhere!
Why dont you do this story in the FM12 manager story bit
what ?
The link from the contribute drop down menu up top were outdated and leading to FM11 Manager Stories section. I've updated that and moved your topic to the right place.
ohh, thanks man !
Have some faith

After going through what seemed to be an endless pile of sh*t I finnaly found a job-offer that felt appealing!

The letter came from Raúl Ulloa, the chairman of a team named someting very long and very spanish that I will probably never even try to articulate... however I belive the core of the name is Gimnasia, so that's what I'll call them.

Gimnasia is a pretty stong second-division side in Argentina. This geographical fact alone makes them an intreseting side imo as I've always loved South American football, the mix between brute foce and flamboyance is unlike anything else in the world! It's also nice that they are a pretty solid side already as it saves me the sheadload of work that comes with truly building a weaker side from the bottom without knowledge or finances.

I guess most of you figured it out already, but for you who haven't, I booked the next flight across the pond and arrived in Argentina for my first stop on this soon to be epic journey!
Good luck!
Argentina should prove to be an interesting league,as a lot of top wonderkids may develop there!
Getting going

After hours of waiting it was finnaly time to get going for real. Mr Ulloa greeted me himself and showed me around. It was without a doubt a pretty decent set-up. The squad was also just as good as predicted with a number of players who were going to play big roles this up and coming season.

The only big turn-off was my two assistants Beavis an Buthead, they truly knew less about football than my appendix! Needless to say, they cleared their desks before the day was over.

After getting myself a decent coahing team and loading up with friendlies it was time for some more exciting stuff.

First off I was determined to employ my 4-1-2-1-2 (a 4-4-2 but with a diamond in the middle). The idea is to mount a massive amount of pressure as soon as we loose the ball, and with the two MC's being ballwinners and the DMC being an anchor-man, very few plays manages to break through. The only option left for our opponents is the long ball so speed is crucial for my defence. BUT, as a South American team we can't just play defence, the tactic allows for great angles in the middle of the park so with a simple change of mentality my physical juggernaut can become a sensitive artist moving the ball around in the middle for ever and ever without getting caught.

Our main offensive weapons will be the shear speed of our strikers (a no-brainer considering the counter-attacking ways of the juggernaut), but also maestero, the trequart sitting behind the strikers. If the oppositions plays with a deep defensive line he will have plenty of space to execute greatness and that's exactly what I demand from him!

The core of the defence isn't really the defenders at all, but the midfielders (excluding maestero of course). It's vital that these men are able to demolish what ever offensive moves the opposition throws at them in the middle, not just to break up play but also to serve our three offensive-mided men with the ball for lethal counters while the opposition is pushing forward. As far as my defenders go the really just need to be able to cope with longballs and the sometimes great number of crosses that comes your way when not using wingers.

Hitting the transfer-market our only pressing need was two class acts to fill out the remaining spots as musketeers in the middle. I decided to go for two old foxes with hearts of gold and will of iron, Darino and Jara. Other than that I only brought in a striker and CB to add some depth. Remarkebly enough I only let a handfull of players go as well, I expected this number to bo around the twenties before I arrived... but the previous manager didn't let alot of dead weight lay around which I am greatful for!

And so, what you've really been looking forward to, how have we been doing thus far?

Well, the pre-season in my mind is about two things money and money. Since I had a basic idea of how and who I wanted to play, all the team needed was games to get into shape and learn the system. The results were poor to be honest, only pulling three wins from our 10~ some odd games... however we only played top-flight teams until the last three weeks where we played two obscure local teams who we demolished to get the moral up.

So if pre-season was pretty much a tiering old rutine, opening day is anything but! I was really excited to see what the team could actually preform.

We dominated from kick-off but had a hard time finding dangerous areas with the ball. With aound 60% possesion and virtualy now shots against us it all looked good. But as always, if you can't make dominans count it will bite you in the ass. Romeo, a player who was with us during the pre-season on try-out but who I decided to let go had been picked up by the opposition. He got the ball on the flank, turned my wingback inside-out, and smashed the ball into the far corner... a magnificant goal, but it also cost me my debut...

Despite the loss I was pretty calm though, the team was still adapting to this very particular way of playing and the core of it (winning the ball in the middle and instigating counters right away) worked pretty well even though the movement in the final third wasn't really working between the players yet... nothing time won't fix.

We moved on the dominate our second game as well, this time scoring after only a couple of minutes on a picture-prefect counter-attack, boy was I proud of my boys! However we drew a silly penalty at the end so we only walked a way with one point in the bag... still the season is young and as long as we're playing well luck will come or way sooner or later.

Game three was sadly nothing but a bad re-run of game two. After a meltdown in the defence giving the opposition the lead we bounced back and found our selves firmly in the driversseat. Yet with five mintues to go we manage to littraly shoot ourselves in the foot as we score and owngoal... I'm starting to get sick of saying that it's just bad luck...
FM12 does seem harsher than 11. Tough break.
Hopefully the players will fully settle and you'll pick up points.
# 6294 : FM12 does seem harsher than 11. Tough break.
Hopefully the players will fully settle and you'll pick up points.

Well things have certianly not worked out as planned thus far but I guess I'll find my way sooner or later !
The only way is up

I wish I was refering to a promotion but sadly the bad start spiraled into what thus far can only be called a disaster.

We've only managed to pull two wins out of our hat so far, but to be honest I don't feel so discuraged at all. We've only been monumentaly out-run once or twice, most other games we've actually been the better side. However third from the bottom sends a clear message that something is severly wrong, luckily I'm pretty sure were the problems lies. First of all set-pices, as always, has been a bitch! Out of our 15 conseeded goals half of them have come from corners and the other half from crosses, so finding myself a lighthouse to raise at the back will be a priority! The second problem is our total lack of edge up front, we avrage a goal every second game and 1/3 have come from penelties. Here I'm not so sure how to solve the problem though as my strikers are supposed to be pretty good... for now I think I'll continue giving them time as thing have become better during the season.
In your face

Well I guess my strikers felt the need to prove them selves with a number of strikers arriving on try-out contracts.

As we went into what's probably the hardest game of the season for any team in our leauge (River Plate away), I was slightly positive as we came of a victory and managed to fend off a number of corners/crosses without letting anything into the back of the net!

I'll be honest with you though, when Cavenaghi dubbeled their lead after 33 minutes I was praying to who ever might litsen that the numbers wouldn't get out of hand. Before I even finished Navary, one of the biggest stars of our side, decided to do something he haven't done all season - SCORE!

Going in to halftime I told the guys that they we're doing just fine but I knew that there was more in them. I could clearly see that they belived it as well.

River dominated most of the first half but after the intermission we came out and matched them all over the field.

The minutes passed by and I felt that grabbing a point was far from impossible, Navary once again agreed, with twenty minutes to go he got what I hope to be a turningpoint not just for the game, but for the entire season, WE got back on even terms through a CORNER!!! I was extatic, but he wasn't done yet... 15 minutes later he managed to finish of a nice counter and completed his hat-trick.

As icing on the cake Dominguez decided that he wanted to make an impact as well and killed the drama with a late goal as well!

In a matter of minutes we had not just made a terrific comeback against one of the leauges top-teams, but also managed to pull off our first consecutive wins! We might just have gotten our first glimts of light in the very dark tunnel we've dug over the last couple of weeks.
Looking up

The trend has continued since our win against River Plate, the team is improving every game and for the last three games we've been dominant (even though we only managed to pull 4 points back to show for it)... But we're pushing forward and now we're only 3 points away form the top half of the table, wich is still below expectations, but since we were in the very bottom not so long ago I'm pround of the turn of events around here!
Nice win against River!
Were they relegated last season?
# 6294 : Nice win against River!
Were they relegated last season?

How could you possibly have missed it ? :o there were riots all over town and the Copa America final almost had to be re-arranged because the supporters had smashed the arena beyond recognition...

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