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Network Game

Started on 3 November 2011 by pspradbury
Latest Reply on 21 July 2013 by bkkp10
  • POSTS21
  • VIEWS62107
anyone know how to play other people on network game. i started a network game but it seems to b just like a normal game? do people have to log in to the same server? if so my server is football manager 2012 if anyone would like to join. If not can i join someone elses game.
you join through IP address. so "join network game" then "join another game", then you give the IP address to your friend which u should find in game status. and magic happens...
Well what redarmy says only works if you don't have a router dividing up your internet. So just try that first and if it doesn't work you should download LogMeIn Hamachi, create a server on there and make everyone who wants to join your network game join that Hamachi server. Then just fill in the Hamachi IP address of the host and everyone will be able to connect :D
There you can find a complete guide to install and use it ;)
geachte zonnegod

heb alle stappen gevolgd en mijn kameraad heeft ook alles gedownload!!!!maar krijg steeds de foutmelding,dat hij de server niet kan vinden???

weet jij raad???
does anyone have a 2012 network game i can join
#34459 freps : geachte zonnegod

heb alle stappen gevolgd en mijn kameraad heeft ook alles gedownload!!!!maar krijg steeds de foutmelding,dat hij de server niet kan vinden???

weet jij raad???

Zitten jullie allebei in dezelfde server? En is het bolletje voor elkaars naam ook groen? Probeer anders rechtermuisknop -> Ping. Als de ping heel erg fluctueert en regelmatig boven de 200 (of meer) komt dan kan het aan jullie internet verbinding liggen. Als het bolletje niet groen is maar blauw (en ook nooit groen wordt) dan is er iets mis met de internetinstelling (moeilijk aan te passen en mogelijk moet je dan een nieuwe router dus hoop het niet :P). Als hij rood is of grijs o.i.d. dan is er iets anders aan de hand en zit je wss niet goed in de server.

Als het bolletje groen is EN de ping (constant) laag, en toch wil het niet, dan moet je even controleren of je netwerk instellingen in FM goed staan en of je wel het juiste IP indrukt (je moet dus het Hamachi IP van de ander indrukken, niet je 'gewone' IP)

@Other people
Sorry for the Dutch, but I think it will be easier for him if I explain it in Dutch ;) If other non-Dutch speakers are still having trouble, please post here and I will explain it in English.
Hi Guys,

I just began to play FM and i love it! But Im a little curious about how the network play works?!?

I mean...

1. Do you have to be logged in at the same time as the other users to play??? I mean can i logg in in the morning play a coupple of days and reach the "Game day" and THEN wait for the others, or do I have to wait for them to complete each day of play?

2. If I, where to create a networkgame (using Himachi) can i turn of the computer at any time and still giving the others in the league a chance to play while im gone? How does that work??

PS. Please forgive my lack of knowledge in this area, my questions might be stupid... Please help!
#35157 pspradbury : does anyone have a 2012 network game i can join
game online?
#38958 aspear11 : #35157 pspradbury :
does anyone have a 2012 network game i can join
game online?

im looking for a network game to join aswell!!
i would but stream just deleted ma fm 2012
The best instruction for playing online FM is here fmscout-->Play FM online using Hamachi
visit us here too.....
Hello folks, we are running a French L1 Network game on Wed/Sundays evenings from 6.30PM to 11PM.

We're looking for dedicated and mature players to join in our managers team. We're on the eve of our second season and have now some spots open. Check our website and register on our forum at :
Don't panic, we also speak english and can help filling in, just drop a message to either Youri or Nocturne there and we'll help you
Hello i´ve tried everything to play with a friend but when i create a network game he can´t find the server. when he puts my IP it appears an error saying "cant connect to server". tried also with hamachi following the post in this forum but it´s the same thing. can you help me?

does anyone have a 2012 network game.i am looking for a network game to join...

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