Please upload somewhere your most comprehensive save game, and provide us with a link to it in this thread. You could use free service by Megaupload, Mediafire, Sendspace, Gamefront or similar.
Eugene will test your save games for the upcoming Genie Scout 12 first beta.
It would be nice if you could zip it first to make sure it's as small as possible in size. Mainly for your own convenience, to avoid long uploading times.
can we upload mac games for any possible mac versions?
Feel free to upload your save game, it doesn't matter if you're on a Mac. But no, there won't be any Mac compatible GS12 edition. You could try CrossOver to make it work though.
Hi all,
Here's the link to the savegame I'm using in my manager story thread.
It's only 4 months in game but has a lot of active leagues.
Here is the link to my save game. It is about 6 months in, huge database and a decent number of leagues selected.
How safe is Crossover on mac?
And are there any chance that GS12 will be released in a mac version later?
Κάνε κάτι γιατί έχω μεταγραφική και δεν ξέρω "τι να κάνω τον Abdoun στην έρημο"!!
Link: and tnx
# Bechii :
How safe is Crossover on mac?
And are there any chance that GS12 will be released in a mac version later?
I converted GS11 with wine to mac and apart from a few bugs (e.g. every preference resets when you restart it :/) it works perfectly on mac!
I strongly doubt if he will release a mac version, but maybe if Littleblue works together with Eugene they might be able to make it for mac
Here's one, just entering year 2014 and with Custom DB (all European players i think i chose)
If Eugene would like someone to test the Beta i will be quite happy to
Newcastle United - Season 2 pre-season