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Youth Development / Trainer Reports

Started on 7 November 2011 by Ktoid
Latest Reply on 10 November 2011 by fifaface89
  • POSTS20
  • VIEWS44801
Yes but isnt that the point of it all,,, the challenge,, to try and find the best players, to try and build your team,,, its the challenge
what you should be doing is scrap all the default settings u got when u started ur game no matter how big and well resourced club you are playing with (im playing with man utd) create new schedules according to positions or according to ur convenience ( i have goalkeepers1, side def, cb, side mid, cen mid and strikers). place each player in the appropriate schedule create schedules separately for ur youth players and place them accordingly and set their training focus. also do remember to reassign the coaches cos by default they may be working in areas which are not suitable for them or they are working in many areas which decreases their star ratings.
Thanks very much shockaday!!
Well, to be honest, i like the way i play. because this way i get good young talents that worth to put effort on. think about a shitty scout that gives 5 stars potential to a young player and think about i'm playing with him every single match. when he ends up at age 24 as just a regular pleayer, i get angry. and i dont want to get angry just because a game. my teams average age is 21, we won champions league without any cheat(save/load whatsoever) and i'm proud of it. i dont change player's attributes with the editor, it's just a temporary solution till genie releases new program.
Yeah its a good idea and your dead right its only a game and if ya enjoy it then who cares,, i was only asking,, might do it myself

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