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Being effective in training

Looking for a few tips
Started on 13 November 2011 by M1D
Latest Reply on 14 November 2011 by RedArmy20
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I have played FM for a while now but I've never really looked into the training side of things and I think its time I did as I'm sure it will make a massive difference in what I'm trying to do atm at Aston Villa; getting the best youth talent now and try to make a world beater team of the future.
Does training make a big difference, like custom schedules etc? Anyone got some good ones to share? I've just download a plan off this site and trying it out now for a few different players, in a few different positions. Cheers for any help! :)
training won't make your players reach the potential itself. but training helps maintain their level.

training is good for personal use to build up a squad to your liking. for an example if you know how to make a training schedule for every position then u can can personalize it to how you like players in that position to learn.

so lets say you got a MC who you want to train to go more attacking you might put him in the AMC schedule(if u made one). you might see him grow in attacking areas whilst he could drop in defensive ones, thus improving into an AMC in attacking qualities but loosing slightly in the defensive ones. or the other way around.

but you could have a more balanced schedule that will just maintain the players attributes, but will still be improving a bit over time(if he has potential). but he would improve in most areas rather than specified through ur schedule.

so back to your MC, he has 10 in dribbling and 9 in tackling. now you have him on AMC schedule, he will probably end up with 12 in dribbling but 8 in tackling. whilst in a more balanced one he might keep his 9 in tackling and just end up with 11 in dribbling.(depending on potential of player). HTH

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