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Swap Position

Started on 16 November 2011 by Tante
Latest Reply on 16 November 2011 by Tante
  • POSTS5
  • VIEWS17689
How does swap position actually work?
- When do the players swap?
- If they swap, do they swap back again to their original positions?
The players swap positions when there is a dead ball situation ingame( free kicks, throw ins, long kicks, etc). Ofc they swap right back after a period of time has passed again in a dead ball situation. If you use more than 2 players swapping positions like lets say ( amr-aml and cmr-cml ) then the swapping will not occur simultaneously for both, ( first dead ball will be amr-aml and next will be cmr-cml ). I have noticed that they tend to swap more times at long kicks.
Oh okay. But are you talking about the "swap position" in the quick instructions? If yes, I would also like to know how does "swap position" in the player instructions work (please) :). Or do they work the same?
Im talking about the swap position in player instructions. The swap position in the quick change menu is just a fast way to set the swap position ability of the player instruction menu, so it works exactly the same i presume( im not sure as to how it works from the qucik change menu as i dont us it so much).
Oh okay! It's clear to me now. Thanks mate!

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