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FMScout FC - Season 1

Started on 30 January 2012 by Mikethemanc
Latest Reply on 27 February 2012 by Atreidas
  • POSTS143
  • VIEWS85334
absolutely understandable, things like that gotta take priority. i only wish i could play FM at work, my story would be a lot longer by now if i could haha!
Hey it was a very interesting story while it lasted! Hope your girlfriend recovers soon! Cheers mate!
#42324 DEMBA! : absolutely understandable, things like that gotta take priority. i only wish i could play FM at work, my story would be a lot longer by now if i could haha!

Tell me about it! I'd be able to keep the story going then.

#42325 xXBlueXx : Hey it was a very interesting story while it lasted! Hope your girlfriend recovers soon! Cheers mate!

Many thanks mate.
sorry to hear about that :/

best wishes to your girlfriend and a swift recovery mate

cheers, and again, good luck ;)
Like others said, hopefully a fast recovery for your girlfriend.

I could continue your story, if you'd like? (I already have the database set up)
Mikethemanc, i hope the best for your girlfriend, keep faith.
Cheers for the support guys. The community spirit on this forum has shown here. Thanks again
I really hope your Girlfriend gets better Mike!
Hope she recovers :)

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