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Who is the best Striker in FM 2012

Started on 7 August 2012 by craborumtoon
Latest Reply on 24 April 2013 by bigluey
  • POSTS33
  • VIEWS94026
I play 4-3-3 and I use Neymar-Aguero-Cavani. It is the trinity of goal-scoring! Fun-fun! Even if one of them has a down game, another of them is bound to step up and slot some goals. Of course if you play Barca or Real Madrid you get one of Messi/Renaldo who have some really overpowered stats.

BTW don't underestimate Falcao from Atletico Madrid. He can score in all ways from his feet to his head. But his team asks 103m for him!! So I am content with Neymar/Aguero/Cavani lineup. ^_^ Can you believe you can buy Cavani for under 40m? That's great value for a world class player!
HIGUAIN HIGUAIN HIGUAIN , im playing bale and neymar/ronaldo on the wings and higuain scores every game . finish 19 composure 19 drible 17 first touch 16 !!!
2012-08-09 22:41#62391 scottchristie9 : Doumbia is the best striker in the game play him off Adebayor with tottenham you will be unstopable with target man and a poacher with adebayor being target and doumbia being poacher :D
This man knows. I bought doumbia into bayern £30mil. Got signing of the season. I tried cavani at man utd...but he kept experiencin goal droughts. Got really annoying.

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