Or Dabool, the FM Messiah, is going to be on army duties from the 29th January onwards. I would like to post this thread for all you members to show your appreciation for a man who, in just four months, has become an integral part of this community. The work he has done has been exemplary and really does deserve so much credit. His work on graphics, including two megapacks, have been top-notch and have assisted tens of thousands accross the globe. Not only that but his stories have been no less than thrilling. His "A.C. Milan - True Legends Never Die" story was one of the greatest stories in Football Manager history. He is a great man for supporting stories and helping stories to grow too.
Here are messages from a few members in our community: (please feel free to comment your own)
And now for my message!
Or, I remember the first time we ever talked. It was one day in General Chat when I discussed finishing up my KuPS story. You went in to a state of panic and tried your best to stop me. It certaintly worked and I cannot thank you enough! I remember what happened next, you asked for me to give you advice on a certain A.C. Milan story and we both came up with the idea of making "brother stories", what a success that turned out to be!
Anyway, you have been a brother to me and every time I have come online here, I have always invited you to a Private Chat and vice-versa. You have helped me go through bad phases and you have inspired me to do many things, including doing another KuPS story. In the four months that you have been a member, you have been the perfect role-model for every member here. You have inspired so many people and people look up to you as if you really are the Messiah! We have had some great times and I just want you to SMILE LIKE YOU MEAN IT!
Here are messages from a few members in our community: (please feel free to comment your own)
Th-Th-Th-The army?- Glenn T
Well, I guess we have to get down to it
Or, you are a nice guy and you always take the time to leave feedback on a story or two. I remember when I first talked to you and I was like "is your name really Or o_o"
You're like a big brother to almost everyone on the FM Scout chat and you're just cool to hang around.
Good luck my man!
"Hey dabool! I don't know you too well, probably because you became a lot more active after I disappeared from the site for a while. But I know you're a pretty awesome guy because everyone else likes you. And I know people are really going to miss you. I guess that in itself is a testimonial to how much you're respected (and loved?) on the site."- Gurdit
I never really talked to Or before the last couple couple of months, but I'm really glad I did. He's been here barely 4 months, but this community would be a lot more hollow without him. He's always a good guy to have a chat with, and will always have an open ear for anyone that needs it.- manchesterblue97
Whenever I've had a bad day, I've come home, and come on here, and Or's stories somehow manage to light up my day, especially his AC Milan one, which was one of the best I have ever read on this site. The fact that he writes stories that deserve to be an actual book makes it even more remarkable that he is one of the most multi-talented people I've ever met. His graphics are some of the highest-quality amateur graphics I've seen, especially his kits. We might struggle to get custom kits for the BSN when he leaves.
I think I speak for most people, if not everyone, on this site when I say that it will never be the same once Or leaves to join the army next month, and he'd better come back sometimes.
Or Dabool, you sir, are a legend, and will be sorely missed!
And now for my message!
Or, I remember the first time we ever talked. It was one day in General Chat when I discussed finishing up my KuPS story. You went in to a state of panic and tried your best to stop me. It certaintly worked and I cannot thank you enough! I remember what happened next, you asked for me to give you advice on a certain A.C. Milan story and we both came up with the idea of making "brother stories", what a success that turned out to be!
Anyway, you have been a brother to me and every time I have come online here, I have always invited you to a Private Chat and vice-versa. You have helped me go through bad phases and you have inspired me to do many things, including doing another KuPS story. In the four months that you have been a member, you have been the perfect role-model for every member here. You have inspired so many people and people look up to you as if you really are the Messiah! We have had some great times and I just want you to SMILE LIKE YOU MEAN IT!