Howie here, livin' it up with livingston (FC).
I hail from Australia, from a city named Sydney.
Didn't start following the beautiful game until about 3 years ago, but since then its been football football football!
My first FM was 2010 which i picked up on an impulse for $25 (15 euro?) and then i was hooked. i racked up an incredible amount of hours playing that god of a game.
Umm music choice would have to be alternative/indie (the real alternative/indie, not the crap that every wannabe-star-on-weed comes up with nowadays)
At the start of every long term save i enjoy using fmsx (the mac editor) to put myself and 5ish mates into various youth setups (usually prem league,16-17 y.o., 90CA/170PA), or i do that and then put myself into the team im managing (with very average stats, but 20 professionalism and 150 PA
Also, im quite happy to know that i'll remain 'intact' when the new website comes into being. I'd hate to be untact.
Well its getting late and i think its time for.. actually, its only 11:44pm, i've got time for another hour of FM before i should get some sleep..
- Over and out!