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FMScout's Got Talent v2.0

Started on 19 May 2013 by JamieFMS
Latest Reply on 12 July 2013 by Khejan
  • POSTS760
  • VIEWS207639
idd great news and take your time for it. we all have patient. some more than others. :-)
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11 yearsEdited

Your Player 2nd Half

Adam Stubbs - WeAreFev

Akash Vidyasagar - Akash

Alejandro Estrada - Inquisition

Alex Ferguson - Devil.

Andreas Esbech - a_esbech

Arvind Krishna - Arvind

Bruce Smith - edu1878

Claudio Conte - PaukerJ

Corey Briggs - corzo2727

Cosmin Marian Stanila - Tellak

Cristian Lupu - CRistian000

Daniel Atreidas - Atreidas

Danny Owini - dan4rmnaija

Darren Northwood - crisrko

David Beckham - 93:20

Dean Byrne - DeanByrne1995

Delroy Wilberhand - Chris

Derrick Porritt - MCFCDAP

Dhruv Singh - Samuraikag

Diego De Rayas - TheFMBeast

Donat Qorrolli - Donatt

Dylan Herremans - Dylan

Ed Balls - LFCsedso

Hamoudi Fayad - HamoudiLFC

Henri Ho - lolbaconboy

Jack Payne - FootballManagerN00b

Jaco Costa Santos - Louis O.

Jamie King - MrJK

Jason Hunt - The Madridista

Jason-Nezo Di Vinci Kyler - CFClynch1000

Jeff Carstensen - jeffc

Josh Sleightholm - TCO

Joshua Bean - BeanyUnited

Kevin Parada - Couragesand

Krupesh Shah - k1rups

Lee Chatters - Lee The Bee

Liam Brocklesby - LiamB

Lothar Matthaus - Blue

Marcus Pyelli - MarcusLFBA

Mark Peter Kolatowicz - MarkKolatowicz

Matt Le Tissier JR - The Special one

Mithras Vanik - yuttra52

Nathan Newman - ANYMAN22FM

Neal Hasan - neal09

Nick Dabool - Glenn T

Paul Bolsens - Caelis

Randy Bierstekers - RandydeB

Raphael Scott - Sonalexwild

Richard Greenhough - kasewene

Ryan Walters - ryan1998

Sam Prince - Michael

Santo Salvatici - Toon

Seni Oyewumi - Seni

Sheldon Cooper - OnTheBallCityNCFC

Stacey Louise Hitchins - Stacey

Stamatis Kritikos - Stam

Stefano Gagliardo - gambit84

Timmy Ivo Bendis - tbendis

Will Edmondson - Khejan

Zdenyak Zebroski - The Czech

Ziechael - ziechael
Not the best seasons for me conceded quite a bit but seems like the other keepers did too!
will look at it tonight because as told before for one reason or another i can not see the screens at work.(from some stories i can from other not.)
Great news that you are going to continue mate! Take your time for the updates, don't worry... :D

I played quite a lot this half season and I scored more than half the time I did... Not bad! ;)
Good to see it's still here, bad to see I'm still crap lol
Glad to see your keeping this going!
Great to see you are continuing it JK :D - I think it was a bad idea going for Aggression - Probably should of went for Positioning or something :S
Can I see my history ? :)
2013-06-10 10:14#110714 MrJK : I don't care if he's not happy his "brother" hasn't posted on the site in 3 weeks which is almost as long as FMSGT as been going.

I know he has been following the story, but if he can't be bothered to comment on a story with him in it, then it's entirely his own fault.

And it still is my brother.

Oh and great on you Jamie for continuing this story. I'm rarely updating mine as I'm also strapped for time to do it. So if you wish to continue in your own time that would be great.
Wow my player looks good! Just wish he went to another club and won trophies..
Great that you are still continuing it Jamie.Meanwhile,my player is still crap.Just an Italian Micky Owen(who can shoot from range).
looking at my stats from the first half of the season.
i'm doing not bad at all hoping on more silver this year and not only the french title.
My player looks fantastic now! :D
Note to everyone starting from tomorrow I will be going on Holiday for 2 weeks so I will not be coming online or making post on the website or replien on topics. So please do not delete me from the story :-p. I will make it up once i'm back.

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