Boring but successful might not be fun but hey football is a business
If you are truly determined to change it up look at the stats and skills of your players and see how they could work in different formations, it isn't enough to just move them around the field and say "Hazard is an AML so he'll work in any tactic with that as an option".
For example for a left winger you need to make sure his stats are centred around what you want him to do, to power down the wing and put crosses in you'll need pace, acceleration, agility/balance, crossing and a couple of favourite moves: likes to run with ball on left, likes to take players on etc....
If you wanted someone in the same position to drift into the centre to create options there you would be looking at the exact same AML but with stats centred around creativity, passing, decisions, team work and favourite moves like: cuts inside and plays one-twos or looks to pass rather than score etc....
It may be that you'll need to gradually change your whole team in order to create a more successful formation or interesting one anyway since success isn't your problem.
In short, if you want a new formation either look at where your players are best of the field and build it around them or build your squad around a new formation.
Sorry it wasn't a 'hey have you tried 2-5-2-1' or something like that but i hope i've given you the tools to create your own wonderfully unique formation!