Best Thing Since Sliced Bread!

In one of the most revolutionary discoveries of the modern day world, scientists in Sion, Switzerland have unlocked the key to time travel.
Engineered by scientific genius Seni Oyewumi a group of scientists have discovered that time travel is possible. They stretched their minds to the limit in their bid to unlock the mystery of travelling space and time but have now succeeded.
When talking to the BBC Mr Oyewumi said this:
"I am delighted to be the man to discover the impossible mystery that is time travel. It took a lot of avoiding paradoxes and enigma codes to get it working but I genuinely feel I have done the impossible. However I could now have done it without my excellent team of fellow scientists. So I thank them."
So there you have it, now that time travel is available who knows what could happen in this ever changing world. Mr Oyemui has been haled as a legend with people taking to Social Network Sites to declare their admiration of him.

Jack from Brentford : "Mr Oyewumi is a great man. Time Travel is now possible because of this man with a fantastic open mind."
Andre from Spain : "I salute you Seni"
Katie from USA : "Seni Oyewumi is a legend. A total legend. Long live Seni and long live his legacy."

Ben_8484 - "Seni you legend #timetravel"
THE_DOCTOR - "Seni has made possible what I never even dreamed about. #whataguy"
YOLO_SWAG - What is time travel?? #clueless
So evidently some of the less educated of us are a tad behind but it seems Senis idea has been widely accepted by the world of social network. With this new concept in place everything changes, the possibilities are endless. We look forward to this exciting new world.
Simon Geddes, BBC Science Correspondent.