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Merry Christmas FM Scout

Started on 24 December 2012 by The FM Rookie
Latest Reply on 27 December 2012 by Akash
  • POSTS30
  • VIEWS20287
I know I've only been a member here for five months but being an admin and one of the oldest members here, I felt like starting the celebrations here! I want to take this chance to reflect on my time here at FM Scout and I would love it if you all would do the same! :)

I have been a regular visitor of this site for many years now. I remember the first story that really glued me here, Joannes3000's Newport County - An Old Face In A Familiar Place. It made me realise how great a site this is. I then got glued to Glenn T's stories and Kiwi's trip to South Africa last year.

It was 29th July when I became a member here. I remember the first thing I did, I wanted to do a KuPS story but didn't know if people would be interested so I asked on chat. Back then it was so quiet, only two people were on and those two were Gurdit and Sniper99. They said they would be interested in seeing a story of a Finnish team so I went head-first in to it.

I personally felt that it was a huge success, being my first story. I remember finishing the story. There was one particular member who was very disappointed to see it finished. Little did I know that we would become as close as brothers now. He has great ideas, great passion and is a great friend. His name is Or Dabool. He inspired me to write my Ronnie Whelan story which the data loss unfortunately killed. We have been supporting each other all the time now. We are not so different, we love writing stories and we love being here.

I think not writing a story recently has really opened my eyes, however. I have become a part of the staff team here, I have always tried to be first to help people and support every single story. I have discovered there is a whole new side to FM Scout, apart from the stories. It really made me realise what being a member means. It means being a student, being a mentor, being a guide, being a friend. This community is the greatest community in the world and I challenge anybody who dares pto try prove me wrong! We are strong, our recovery since the Data Loss during November 27th proves that. We are passionate, our stories prove that. We are helping, our guides prove that. And we are friendly, our Live Chat proves that.

So from all the staff of FM Scout, have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
(And please share your memories here :P )

Merry Christmas to all! This has been an amazing year for me at FMScout. I connected with the people here really fast, and I never even dreamed to be such an appreciated member here. Thanks you FMScout and I wish we will have another amazing year together.
Merry Christmas everyone and all the best for 2013!

Great write up there Rookie, enjoy reading everything you write.

I rarely get involved in the chat because the site usually is my way of avoiding boredom in work and i dont want to involved in a chat n have to disappear, but maybe i'll start to soon.

I love reading the stories on here and its inspired me to finally write one, so hope everyone follows :P

Have a great time and hopefully speak to some of you soon!
Merry Christmas to all! This has been an amazing year for me at FMScout.
Merry Christmas Guys :)

I have only been here a couple of months now but feel I have already made some great friends here, to name three of them would be The FM Rookie, or.dabool and manchesterblue :)

So many great stories on here and great people aswell, many fond memories already and what I feel is a great acceptance no matter who you are or who you play as :)
Merry Christmas one and all. May it be full of food and blurriness from plenty of the loopy juice!Here's to a great 2013 for FMScout.
Merry Christmas guys! <3
Nick, I think I beat you to being one of the oldest here!!

It's Boxing Day day here already, so I wish everyone at FM Scout a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous and relaxing New Year. Spend it with your family, enjoy their companies, eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow I need to go back to work and make a sodding excel macro bend to my will.

Stam and the admin staff have done a wonderful job in the past year, from the relaunch of the site, social scouting, the infamous date we now as 11/27, and the arrival of many new members, some of which have become fixtures on the forums and in the site itself.

Stay safe everyone, and don't go too mad on the firewater, nor at the Boxing Day sales. :P
I've only just joined as a member but I have read the stories here almost every day since July, I remember things like FMRegen's Newcastle story and that guy who's username was "neymar" and he created a story every single day. I also remember the undiscovered talent series by SlapDashFluky and l3nnarts story of the ages
Its a awesome forum just joined today its a great help if you need something doing or need some tips with things :D
I've only been here 6 months, but this is like a second home for me now. I literally have the site open non-stop. The community on here is great, and wouldn't be the same without people like The FM Rookie, or.dabool, Tango, Mark, and Mdlp, and many, many more. The community is growing all the time, and it is great to be here to witness it.

Merry Christmas everyone, and if you don't celebrate it, enjoy the time off! :)
Have a brilliant Christmas everyone, nice to have got to know each and everyone of you!! :)

The missus has got us a 5 day break to Berlin in February, so I'm already plotting a Hertha story... :)
First of all: Merry Christmas.

I'm almost the longest sitting active member here, only Stam beats me with ease, and Craig (when he shows up). I've seen a lot of small clans, and I mean a lot. Every month or so we had a new one. We had never such a long lasting one.

I'm proud to say that I still am a happy community member, a happy moderator, and still be my hyperactive annoying Dutch idiot I am. Guys, hope to see you all still on this site in 1 year.
How long have you been here for Michael?
2012-12-25 23:13#73876 Sammmm : How long have you been here for Michael?
Too long :P

You are reading "Merry Christmas FM Scout".

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