Updated: 29 September 2010
Released: 27 September 2010

The preview images above are less than 25% of the original images
Dimensions included
1920x1200 (16:10) - 1920x1080 (16:9) - 1600x1200 (4:3) - 1024x1024 (iPad) - 1024x600 (Netbook) - 480x640 (cell phone) - 480x272 (PSP) - 320x480 (iPhone)
The truth is that there are very few FM wallpapers out there, and most of them are not even close to being decent. I hope this will be just the beginning for more graphics authors to create their own and enrich the FM wallpapers collection that could ignite right here.
How to use
- Download the .zip file.
- Extract to desired location (could be anywhere).
- Right click on the one you want to use, and select 'set as desktop background'
I spent lot of hours creating them, so if you are going to put them up for download on your fansites, be kind enough to provide credit to fmscout.com.

Discussion: Wide FM2011 Wallpapers
4 comments have been posted so far.
I have changed main download mirror to fileserve now, and also added a third download mirror to filefront.