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Balkan Cups for FM16

This FM 2016 database unlocks the following competitions: Balkan Nations Cup, Balkan Champions Cup and Balkan Cup Winners Cup.

By on May 27, 2016   13022 views   0 comments
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Downloads: 1449 / Size: 1.4 MB / Added: 2016-05-27
FM 2016 New Leagues - Balkan Cups for FM16
This database adds 3 cup competitions to your game:
  • Balkan Nation Cup
  • Balkan Champions Cup
  • Balkan Cup Winners Cup

Bonus: Balkan transfers by pr0.

Installation Instructions

  1. Extract the contents of the .zip file using the default zip utility of your OS or get a free tool such as 7-zip.

  2. Move the extracted .fmf file to the following location:
    Documents / Sports Interactive / Football Manager 2016 / editor data
    Create the "editor data" folder if it doesn't exist.

  3. Open FM 2016 and start a new save-game with this database selected.

Download Now
Downloads: 1449 / Size: 1.4 MB / Added: 2016-05-27
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