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Dark Polish FM24 Skins v6

Dark skin for FM 2024 with some tweaks and new functions. 20 colour variations!

By Updated on Dec 03, 2024   157027 views   71 comments
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Downloads: 38249 / Size: 31.0 MB / Added: 2023-10-29
Football Manager 2024 Skins - Dark Polish FM24 Skins v6
Default dark skin how I believe it should be.
If you want to keep originality of the game with some not intrusive visual improvements, Dark Polish is what you are looking for. It's clean and low-res friendly.

Donate to Dark Polish Skin

- fixed match screen background behaviour
- Competition Overview small visual and scaling improvements
- minor visual improvements in Nation and Continent Overview
- switched Region info for Nation info in Club Overview
- optional mod for smaller manager picture in Club Overview
- "Club Info" tab improvements: fixed facilities star rating, better scaling for stadium section, popup icons and country flags for key people, competition label for last results
- "Competitions" tab: trophy icons in headings
- "News" tab: larger further news items
- several small changes
- seven new skin variations: Brown, Charcoal, Future, Herbal, Lavender, Midnight, Steel. "Future" is loosely based on FM25 screenshots colours
- background selector improvements: more background slots, dynamically coloured backgrounds and sidebar colour accent selector
- visual tweaks in domestic and european live draws
- changed default stadium picture
- fixed "Previous Meetings" button in Schedule section
- several small fixes
- new stadium overview screen
- foot indicators on tactic screen (can be disabled with included mods)
- fixed analysis button in youth development tactic screen
- additional fixtures view: "Attendances"
- several small tweaks and fixes across the skin
- twelve alternative versions of the skin - 5KB each!
- refined transparency support - try background packs for new experience!
- new translucent tactic screen
- scout report card with attributes tab & more
- restored condition/sharpness percentage widget
- player faces in squad overview
- unpurpled manager timeline
- lots of tiny fixes and adjustments
- new optional mod: non-transparent inbox
- unpurpled award winner box in news item
- fixed cutted last attribute in "Edit Coach Assignments" popup
- fixed transparency for background packs
- fixed cutted stars description in "Club Overview" for default font users
- adjusted position of notification icon for "Transfers" section

Dark Polish FM24 Skin Features

Dark Polish Skin 24 provides following changes:

UI design:

- consistent shades of gray
- dynamic coloring of several interface elements
- ProximaNova font from older FMs
- enabled transparency for background packs
- classic background selector with small improvements
- club profile overhaul (early based on CFM Skin by Pikawa)
- stadium pictures function in club overview and team schedule
- appropriately bigger logos or faces in some sections
- modified main menu panel with emphasis on team logo
- ribbon navigation in Preferences

Tactic screen:

- translucent tactic screen
- player pictures and role suitability pies on tactic screen
- past meetings panel under tactic screen (visible on high-res)


- pre-match "Instant Result" button with post-match popup
- home button, FM button and Instant Result button in match screen
- scoreboard with logos instead of 6-letter names
- player pictures in team talk screen and match bottom bar
- larger font for match commentary on borderless bar
- disabled touchline tablet automatic transparency when over the ball

Minor tweaks:

- fixed "match momentum" match feed item
- fixed broken news feed pictures
- coloured social media club avatars
- removed pointless club logo from news item (larger staff picture instead)
- new FM flags instead of old ones in language change menu
- lots of tiny visual fixes and improvements

Optional MODS:

- custom font / default font
- instant result buttons / no instant result buttons
- dark tactic screen / green tactic screen
- suitability pies / no suitability pies
- larger tactic screen faces / normal tactic screen faces
- tabbed analysis|past meetings / analysis only
- disabled tablet transparency / enabled tablet transparency
- scoreborad with logos only / scoreboard with logos and full team name
- dynamic coloured match results / static coloured match results
- transparent inbox / non-transparent inbox

Dark Polish FM24 Skin Preview

(some of the alternatives:)

(with background pack:)

How to install the Dark Polish skin on FM24

  • Extract the contents of the .zip archive.

  • Move the extracted folder Dark Polish 24 to:
    \Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2024\skins
    If this folder does not exist, create it as "skins".

  • Start the game and go to Preferences screen, and then to the Interface tab.
    You should see the skin's name on the drop-down list of the Overview box.
    Use the Clear Cache button, then hit the Confirm button.

Note about background selector:
- You can always replace provided backgrounds with your own at:
Dark Polish 24\graphics\backgrounds


- DAZS8 - creator of original background and opacity selector
- Wannapunchbrew - creator of original instant result panels
- Pikawa - creator of original club overview panel
- every custom skin creator - learned a lot from their works.

Download Now
Downloads: 38249 / Size: 31.0 MB / Added: 2023-10-29
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Discussion: Dark Polish FM24 Skins v6

71 comments have been posted so far.

  • Ceyvol's avatar
    @Mwarren2192 It actually showed last 3d-rendered background game used. This was result of workaround for skin default background to be recolorable. I was aware of it, but thanks to you pointing it out, I gave another shot in trying to make it work "normally" and this time succeded! Sometimes you need fresh approach after couple of months.

    @Sandro It's possible, but it's not just matter of changing one font colour, but several font&icon values across skin files. I don't consider doing it, since half of text would be often unreadable with dark secondary colors. Also some teams have terrible color combinations by default. Titlebar would look terrible when managing them.

    For manager picture I included mod in the MODS folder.
  • Sandro's avatar
    It worked, ty!

    It is possible to change font coulor in the tittle bar (competition and club screens). Its always white, i dont see any panel to do that in MODS! folder.

    And one more question. Manager picuture is bigger in the club profile page, can I bring back its size to player pictures?

    Great work :)
  • Mwarren2192's avatar
    Thanks for these skins!

    The only issue I have is that when I select to view a result from the Scheudle Tab, the background is the main screen (the manager stood in the dressing room). How do I fix that?
  • Ceyvol's avatar
    @zbidram It is possible for sure, but not something I consider including.

    @Giannis_Sta Sorry, I'm not able to give you instructions for something not already added. My skinmaking is one big trial&error improvisation.

    @Sandro Mod for that is included in the "! MODS !" folder.
  • Sandro's avatar
    Hi, how I can delete player pictures from tactic screens? I want only kit icons if its possible, thanks!
  • Giannis_Sta's avatar
    Hey, great skin. How can I add the pro/cons panel on the player profile page , in the space that is now occupied by the bio/comparison/attribute analysis
  • Giannis_Sta's avatar
    Hey there, great skin. Is there a way to put the pro/cons panel in the space I have highlighted in the screenshot below ?
  • john66stavroulis's avatar
    Hey man, love your skin. Do you know how can I add the pro/cons tab in this spot here : ?
  • zbidram's avatar
    Hi Ceyvol. Is it possible to add hidden attributes (player and club) to this skin, please?
  • casabranka's avatar
  • zemkvl's avatar
    Thanks again ! Awesome as usual.
  • Ceyvol's avatar
    @bekim Then all I can advise is to delete DPS folders whatsoever, download skin again and unpack it in "skins" folder again. Perphaps something went wrong first time. Skins definitely works, no one else reported any issues.
  • bekim's avatar
    yep i puted bu no function
  • Ceyvol's avatar
    @bekim Did you put "Dark Polish 24" folder in your "skins" folder? It has to be included, as it is parent skin for color swaps.
  • bekim's avatar
    when i try to change the skin from default to gold my game isnt even opening any suggest fix?
  • zeusek666's avatar
    czekałem na takiego skina! rewelacja! nawet tato nie ma takiej roznorodnosci ;p rewelka! dostosować pod siebie coś pięknego @
  • Ceyvol's avatar
    @Jimmyjoe - pobieranie działa. Jeśli błąd pojawił się na kilku przeglądarkach, to albo była to chwilowa awaria mediafire, albo wpływ ma jakiś czynnik zewnętrzny (antywirus? adblock?), albo naprawdę długo nie aktualizowałeś tychże przeglądarek ;)
  • Jimmyjoe's avatar
    Nie mogę ściągnać tego skina przez media fire. Jak klikam w link i później download jest błąd wczytywania strony próbowałem na 3 różnych przeglądarkach ale nie działa :/
  • Evesham's avatar
    serkanedabasar78, nicolas_om was right, that soap comment was a bit kinky darling.
  • serkanedabasar78's avatar
    nicolas_om Be careful with your words, I'll slide into you without soap
  • serkanedabasar78's avatar
    nicolas_om=Timber=brainless man, look at the shared screenshots and see if there is a player profile picture.
  • zemkvl's avatar
    Still the best skin in the game, thanks !
  • nicolas_om's avatar
  • serkanedabasar78's avatar
    bro where is the screenshot of player profile ???
  • Ceyvol's avatar
    @serkanedabasar78 - I think there is. No idea what kind of issue you experienced, but no one else reported anything. Try to download and unpack the skin again, eventually clear your game cache and reload the skin.

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