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4-1-2-3 Engine Exploiter by Hazza22299

By far the best tactic I have ever made/used

By on Jul 13, 2012   70958 views   4 comments
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Downloads: 13540 / Size: 1.0 kB / Added: 2012-07-13
First of all, I would like to state that this is an edit of the fantastic "Grid System Tactics" tactic made by the now 'retired' author Tactikzz. Also massive credit to W4NKER and cragswfc (goals goals goals and more goals) who found weaknesses in the match engine. The reason I decided to edit the grid system tactic was that it already contained most of the exploits within the tactic. Here is the List of Match Engine Exploits if you'd like to see for yourself. This is a "classic" tactic. Also credit to Hectorotoro1234 for some screenshots.

The Formation

This 4-1-2-3 formation with 3 central strikers is part of the list of exploits and it works because the two wider strikers man mark the full backs and the central defenders can't handle so many strikers.

The Corner Exploit (grr!)

The infamous corner tactic has been included in this tactic, basically your central striker will score 20+ goals a season just from corners especially if his Anticipation, Heading and Jumping attributes are good. Although this is not vital to the tactic, I recommend you leave the corner settings how they are but if you prefer more realism or are just plain against the corner exploit, feel free to remove it.

Tactical Notes

1) Your central striker, with the help of the striker settings on 'goals goals goals and more goals' by craigswfc, will be your main source of goals, he can score up to 130 goals in a single season. Important attributes in order are Off the Ball, Pace, Finishing (Obviously), Dribbling, Composure, Anticipation, Jumping, Heading. There is no striker with great scores in all of those attributes so prioritise the earlier attributes that I have given.

2) Do not change the wide strikers to wingers, this completely destroys one of the main elements of this tactic, try to train the wingers to strikers or just sell them if they aren't great. This is the only problem with this tactic.

3) Your central midfielders will need good mental attributes in Creativity, Teamwork and Work Rate. Bravery is also important. They will need good Passing and Technique and as a bonus Long Shots. Even Henderson plays well in this role!

4) If the opposition instructions aren't already on then make sure the 2 wide midfielders are on "Show to Weaker Foot", nothing else.

5) Match Preparation: Teamwork - Very High until fluid then
Defensive Positioning - Average
Pitch size: Standard, although it doesn't make much difference.

6) Defenders, especially full backs will need Pace, particularly if you don't have a good attack. Anticipation, concentration and positioning for centre backs.

7) I recommend you use this ParkThePlane 4-3-1-2 v2 - Downloads - Football Manager 2012 Tactics, Wonderkids & Cheats tactic as a backup to my one. It's very defensive and useful if you're playing big teams or when you want to see out a game. Use this if you concede a lot.

Team Talks:


Against every single opponent : Aggressive- I expect a win
No individual team talk to any player regardless of whether they react negatively or are unresponsive

Half time:

Unless 5+ goals clear (5-0/6-1/8-3) then select Aggressive---> Not happy with performance
If you are 5+ goals clear then select assistant to take the team talk
If a player with a half time rating above 7.2 reacts negatively or is unresponsive then passionately tell him you are happy with his performance
If a player with a half time rating below 7.2 reacts negatively or is unresponsive then passionately tell him that you have faith in him

Full time:

Win: Passionately Well done/Happy with performance
Draw/Lose: Aggressiely: Not happy with performance

*Team meetings as soon as you lose a game or draw having played badly in order to stop a negative run of results.

Here is me getting to the premier league with Crewe Alexandra, I started using the tactic in my second season.

With Manchester United Hulk scored 66 goals in 41 games. I'm currently on a 48 match unbeaten run with newcastle:

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Downloads: 13540 / Size: 1.0 kB / Added: 2012-07-13
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