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FM16 Engineered Match Engine

By on Sep 25, 2017   25251 views   1 comments
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Downloads: 2022 / Added: 2017-09-25
1. Unrealistic cross slightly reduced

2. Dribble Up

3. Pass play upwards

Please enjoy ~

Installation Instructions

Delete all existing files in the metadata folder.
Important: Keep a backup of them just in case, or be prepared to verify game cache (to "reset" the game to default).

Unzip the contents of the downloadable file to the above folder.
Use file extraction software to unzip; recommended freeware options are 7-zip for Windows and The Unarchiver for Mac.

File installation path:
steam / steamapps / common / football manger 2016 / data / sigfx / metadata

Restart your FM16 for the changes to take effect.

Download Now
Downloads: 2022 / Added: 2017-09-25
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