Real fixtures and results pack for the 2017/18 season. Play Football Manager 2018 with real fixtures on the first season and up to date real results.
Check back for regular updates where more leagues will be added, and results updated.
There are two formats included in this pack. The first is a series of .xml files which are uncompressed editor files.
The second are .txt files which can be imported and combined with other league editor files.

The leagues which you wish to use simply need to be copied into the Editor data folder.
You can keep them in the folder structure that they are in if you wish.
Unless you have changed this these can be found in:
- Windows -
C:\Users\[Your Windows Username]\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2018\editor data\
- Mac -
/Users/[Your Mac Username]/Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2018/editor data/
- Linux -
/home/documents/Sports Interactive/FM2018/editor data/
You only need the .txt files if you already have a file loaded which makes changes to the league's nation,
such as adding lower divisions or modifying a current league. To Install these:
1) Extract the files that you wish to use
2) Open the editor file in the database which modifies the nation which you wish to import the leagues for
3) Click on Nation Rules - [Nation Name] in the top left panel
4) In the bottom left panel, expand the menu called 'Divisions'
5) Expand the menu for the division which you wish to import fixtures for
6) Click on 'General' under this menu
7) In the main panel, check 'Use Specified Fixtures'
The next instruction can vary depending on whether the league has multiple divisions at the same level, or just one:
For one level:
8) Expand the Fixtures menu which has just appeared in the bottom left panel.
9) Select Fixtures from the new sub menu
10) In the main panel select import and choose the .txt file that corresponds with the league.
11) On the main menu bar at the top, select Rules > Test Rules to check that it has worked.
For more than one level:
8) Expand the Sub Divisions menu in the bottom left panel and select the division for which you wish to import fixtures
9) In the main panel, check BOTH boxes associated with 'Use Specified Fixtures'
10) Expand the Fixtures menu which has just appeared in the bottom left panel.
11) Select Fixtures from the new sub menu
12) In the main panel select import and choose the .txt file that corresponds with the league.
13) On the main menu bar at the top, select Rules > Test Rules to check that it has worked.
Discussion: Real Fixtures & Results Pack for FM18
10 comments have been posted so far.
If I start a new save (beginning the season on july 2018), what do you mean exactly by "up to date real results"? Could you explain me? Thanks!
you will just get 2 sets of rules for the comp that has the real fixtures/results, just verify and it will work fine...is there a custom start date to go with the results please?? for those wanting to edit European results/fixtures/cups it is not possible
These should work with Claasan's league updates as all of the leagues I have made are already in game.
You can use the text files if you wish to combine them with other updates for the same nation. See the instructions for details!
Please message if there are any other issues.
or is there anyway you can combine these with claasans league updates to make a megapack? that would be class