Football Manager 2018 Data Updates
Get the essential Football Manager 2018 real names fix. Apply the latest transfers with up-to-date FM18 roster updates. Choose the best FM 2018 data update.
FM18 Global Awards
28164 4619 1Added & modified many awards for world, continents, major international & continental club tournaments. Database for FM 2018.
FMInside Transfer Update Final FM18 version!
306919 94525 85FMInside is going next level with our latest update! Forget the 2017/2018 season because this is update gets you ready for the 2018/2019 season and it is like if you are playing FM19!
FM18 Transfer & Data Update by pr0 + FMTU
486906 209045 131The best Football Manager 2018 transfer update all-around. Featuring 107.625 changes until the 1st of October that FM 18.3 doesn't include!
TheFMEditor Football Manager 18 Update. FINAL PART!
188628 52338 81FM18 2018/2019 Updates. Covers changes all around the world.
FM18 Transfers & Database Update by RB
18202 4174 1Transfers and Data Update for Football Manager 2018. Updated on 06/07/2018.
Ukraine Data Update & League Expansion for FM18
8176 846This FM 2018 database updates teams and squads of Ukrainian 2nd, 3rd and 4rd level, and unlocks Ukraine's lower league structure down to level 4.
Real Life Agents for FM 2018 by pr0
35735 9046 5This Football Manager 2018 database adds the best real life football agents in the world with their real life clients.
JM31 Data Update
5798 484 3This is a database that been collated from other data updates and my own additions, helping you to have a more in depth and accurate game.
Football Manager 2018 Real Names & Licence Fix
660517 201846 150Fix competition, club and award names in Football Manager 2018. Works with current FM18 saves.
Real Fixtures & Results Pack for FM18
38589 4667 10Play Football Manager 2018 with the Real Fixtures and Results for 103 leagues, including all highest leagues in the game. Updated December 23rd.
Bigpole's FM2018 Data & Transfer Update (8/12/2017)
36291 6811 9Transfers and Data Update for Football Manager 2018 which includes around 3.300 changes in the database (missed in 18.1 version.)
More Realistic Transfers for FM18
40123 4874 16This Transfer Preferences Update affects all playable leagues and beyond, in an effort to make transfers more realistic in FM 2018.
Real German Media for FM18 by 53bast1an
14255 2377 3The following file introduces several German media to your FM 2018 as well as the original websites of all clubs from the Bundesliga, 2. Bundesliga and 3. Liga.
Start Up Database + Real Results for FM18
16959 1490 5For an up to date database and real results in Football Manager 2018. Created by FMForum. Last updated on November 27th.
RFN’s Russian Data Update for FM18
9398 778 2Data Update by @RusFootballNews for the Russian football leagues, featuring CA/PA changes, transliteration changes, up to date manager changes, activation of the 3rd tier, the PFL and adjusted transfer preferences & values.
FM18 Transfers & Database Update by RB
8132 838Transfers and Data Update for Football Manager 2018. Updated on 24/11/2017.
Captain Tsubasa Fantasy Update
35166 3344 6Database including 75 players of the manga Captain Tsubasa. Most of them in their actual clubs. Some moved to Europe due to lack of information.
FC'12 Brazilian kits hotfix
15172 1433FM Slovakia and Igor Natalino bringing you the brand new hotfix for brazilian kits a specially made for Football Manager 2018 and the 2017/18 season.
Huge Database Addon for FM18
57137 11994 3Add roughly 4000 more players on your game with the huge database option when creating a new save game in Football Manager 2018.