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When is FM22 Beta Release Day

Football Manager 2022 Beta access will begin around October 26th! If you buy FM22 from fmscout, you'll get this Beta plus 2 exclusive rewards as free bonuses.

By Updated on Oct 16, 2021   25034 views   7 comments
News - When is FM22 Beta Release Day
Early access to a fully-playable FM 2022 Beta version that should open approximately 2 weeks before the full game release that is set for November 9th.

FM 22 Early Beta access is one of the free bonuses you get for pre-purchasing Football Manager 2022 from participating retailers, such as the FMSCOUT store.

Other free bonuses include a verified buyer badge for your member account (here on FM Scout) and 5 chances to win 1 of our exclusive tools for FM22.

When exactly is this FM22 Beta coming?

Here are 3 things to remember about the public Beta access:

  1. The Beta will be made available approximately 2 weeks before the final game release (November 9th)
  2. The Beta will be released whenever Miles Jacobson feels it's ready
  3. The Beta will be ready on or before October 26th

Football Manager 2022 New Features

I believe the fully-playable Beta will be available no later than Wednesday, October 27th. However, my personal guess is that Football Manager 2022 Beta will unlock on October 26th.

UPDATE: During the first live stream of FM22 on twitch, Miles said that this is the match engine we'll see next week. So maybe that means the beta will drop a bit sooner than expected!
Considering that SI tend to release stuff whenever I'm afk, I reckon another possible beta day is Friday, October 22nd because I have a dentist appointment that day (lol).

We'll keep watching what Miles Jacobson says in his tweets or pre-release videos regarding this year's beta release.

Get access to the FM22 Beta for free

Buy FM22 through much cheaper than Steam store, earn a unique buyer badge for your member account, get a 5x chance to win a key for GS22g or a license for FMSE22, and our gratitude for supporting our community financially.

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I started FM Scout for fun in the distant 2004. I'm proud of how this place has grown into a vibrant community and I try my best to improve it every year. Husband and father of two.

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Discussion: When is FM22 Beta Release Day

7 comments have been posted so far.

  • Karisa's avatar
    I am looking forword the FMSE and FM Genine Scout at the first time
  • kava's avatar
    Will the beta be on game pass ?
  • mike1906's avatar
    Oh now I found, I use to click on "enable product" to see the key ;)
  • Stam's avatar
    @mike: As I explained in my previous comment, the key can be found at your gamesplanet account, under the 'my games' tab. Here's a direct link to that page. And what do you mean you're not the only one? Who else is having trouble finding their key?
  • mike1906's avatar
    Yes I bought through FM Scout, october 6, I have the game picture in my account, but not the key. And I'm not the only one.
  • Stam's avatar
    @mike: If you bought the game through FM Scout, the key should be instantly available on your gamesplanet account > my games (tab).
  • mike1906's avatar
    I still waiting for my steam key
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