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FM24 USA Expanded to D4 (now with San Diego FC)

Realistic US leagues down to fourth division

By on Nov 18, 2023   18181 views   9 comments
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Downloads: 2331 / Size: 76.4 kB / Added: 2023-11-18
Football Manager 2024 League Updates - FM24 USA Expanded to D4 (now with San Diego FC)
Always working on more details like favoured personnel, missing league histories in D4, etc.

If anyone has insight into unpublished stuff like USL roster rules and info, PLEASE let me know here or at the SI Games forums and we can make it even more realistic.

Leagues Cup file (adds extra Leagues Cup spot for San Diego FC)

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Downloads: 2331 / Size: 76.4 kB / Added: 2023-11-18
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Discussion: FM24 USA Expanded to D4 (now with San Diego FC)

9 comments have been posted so far.

  • themodelcitizen's avatar
    Updating the file so that San Diego join in 2024 and get the expansion draft in December 2023, although you can't add yourself as their manager until Jan. 1, 2024 so you have to leave the expansion draft to the AI. This way you can click the box to stop the first transfer window at game start, which I always use in North America as it delays the AI coaches from messing up their roster compliance for at least a few more months
  • themodelcitizen's avatar
    I responded to your DM, but for anyone else with the same problem, it sounds like he's running a real name change-type file that touches Chivas for some reason, and/or a graphics pack that does so. Just open the name change file in notepad (same with the config file in the offending graphics folder) and find the lines that correspond to Chivas and delete them
  • gabhidalgo's avatar
    Hey, I have a problem as always takes San Diego FC as Chivas USA. I don't know what to do. Please help me!!
  • themodelcitizen's avatar
    San Diego FC added, get the graphics and my Leagues Cup file to add the extra spot for them
  • themodelcitizen's avatar
    Added San Diego FC from the first season (6 players signed so far, so a chance to mostly build your own team with MLS' transfer rules).

    Get the graphics again, or at least the San Diego FC folder in there, along with my Leagues Cup file (backup) which can accommodate the extra spot
  • themodelcitizen's avatar
    Bunch of minor updates to this, also check out the optional transfer file noted in the OP
  • themodelcitizen's avatar
    USL2 is added. Working on adding stuff like derbies, rivalries, club colours, favoured personnel etc so you'll have an immersive experience coaching down there on your way up the ladder
  • poustar's avatar
    love it! keep it up!
  • dagdatine's avatar
    Hola, sabes como agregar mas jugadores franquicia a las reglas originales?
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