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When is FM25 Beta Release Day

Football Manager 2025 Beta access is expected to begin on or before March 17th! If you buy FM25 from fmscout, you'll get this Beta plus 2 exclusive rewards for free.

By on Jan 30, 2025   11099 views   10 comments
News - When is FM25 Beta Release Day
Early access to a fully-playable FM 2025 Beta version that should open approximately 2 weeks before the full game release that is set for March.

According to SteamDB, the Initial 'placeholder' date was March 4th, but I think it's safer to assume we're going for a March 31st launch date until SI settle on the day.

FM 25 Early Beta access is one of the free bonuses you get for pre-purchasing Football Manager 2025 from participating retailers, such as the FMSCOUT store.

Other free bonuses include a verified buyer badge for your member account (here on FM Scout) and 5 chances to win 1 of our exclusive tool(s) for FM25.

Pre-Purchase FM25 from FM Scout
Start playing 2 weeks earlier with early beta access, and get a verified buyer badge for your member account!

When exactly is this FM25 Beta coming?

Here are 3 things to remember about the public Beta access:

  1. The Beta will be made available approximately 2 weeks before the final game release (March, possibly late)
  2. The Beta will be released whenever Miles Jacobson (SI studio director) feels it's ready
  3. The Beta will be ready on or before March 17th

FM25 Early Beta Access Explained

The fully-playable Beta will be available no later than Monday, March 17th. However, my personal guess is that Football Manager 2025 Beta will unlock in early March.

We'll keep watching what Miles Jacobson says in his social posts or pre-release blogs and videos regarding this year's beta release.

Get access to the FM25 Beta for free

Buy FM25 through much cheaper than Steam store, earn a unique buyer badge for your member account, get a 5x chance to win a key for GS25g, and our gratitude for supporting our community financially.

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Discussion: When is FM25 Beta Release Day

10 comments have been posted so far.

  • Richardcharlston's avatar
    It’s not happening. Miles position in SI has been diminished, Sega will end up getting rid of the idiot.

    we will be lucky to see FM26

    we need an alternative product from somewhere, at the end of the day it’s a massive database with a flimsy game engine.

    all the graphics are add ons by the community
  • Stam's avatar
    It's officially February even in the UK and we have no official statement. Unbelievable.
  • phnompenhandy's avatar
    Asking on SI forum is pointless - they don't know any more than we do. When SI choose to make an announcement we'll all know soon enough. But I'm with Daz - long lost any interest in FM25.
  • Stam's avatar
    @michaelandrews: We're hoping SI will deliver on their own promise and drop the new gameplay reveal at the end of January (that expires tonight). As you can see though, we're expecting a late March release due to the lack of communication for the past 3,5 months.

    @DAZS8: Can't blame anyone who skips FM25. It has been massively disappointing for all of us, especially considering this is how they wanted to kickstart the new era of the franchise.
  • Richardcharlston's avatar
    Try asking on the SI forum, be warned though if you ask difficult questions they will ban you!!!
  • michaelandrews's avatar
    What money, what game? There is not even a single communication release from SI. Why would anyone would buy something that SI can't assume they aren't going to provide?!
  • Richardcharlston's avatar
    @michaelandrews they want your money, im with DAZS8, save it for 26
  • DAZS8's avatar
    This will be the biggest flop in FM history, why would you buy a game that has two months of life in it until the season finishes.....absolute scam if you ask me.
    I have had all FM games and earlier Champ Manager too but this is a massive NO for me.
    Wait for FM26 (If they get that one right ) ans sticK to FM24 .....Unless this FM25 is somehow an out of this world improvement on previous versions.
  • michaelandrews's avatar
    Why this advertisement when there is nothing about fm25 from SI?
  • mrpanzer's avatar
    all quiet on the FM front.....
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