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FM Modifier v3.0 for FM 2009

Chinese only at the moment

By Updated on Nov 26, 2008   330497 views   49 comments
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Downloads: 114855 / Size: 366.6 kB / Added: 2008-11-26
FM Modifier for FM 2009. FM Modifier is a popular save game editor that lets you change finances, stadiums, kits, players, heal injuries, contracts and lots more with ease, while the game is loaded.

More details will be added later. At the moment, there is only a Chinese version available.

first of the editor. type in the player's unique ID code on the top left hand box. Then click "C" on the top right hand of the editor.
the basic information of the player should appear.
Now, starting from the top left box is "current ability" moving downwards, they are "potential ability"
"market value"
"asking price"
"local reputation"
"current reputation"
"international reputation"
moving to the right side columns:
top right is the "D.O.B"
"match fitness"
"international Caps"
"international goals"
"U21 caps"
"U21 goals"

the bottom 2 check boxes are "injured" and "banned" respectively.
after making ur changes, remember to click on the "save" button which shud appear as 2 square boxes to u guys somewhere at the right nearer the top. it works perfectly well for me on my Vista. it's regrettable that this editor cant edit the vital stats

Thanks to grumman020 for description!

Looking for FM Modifier for FM 2008?

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Downloads: 114855 / Size: 366.6 kB / Added: 2008-11-26
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Discussion: FM Modifier v3.0 for FM 2009

49 comments have been posted so far.

  • awan9's avatar
    i can't click Go button
  • awan9's avatar
    9.10 also can't used this editor
    i've try put in the unique id
    but still got the same result
  • sicilianoz's avatar
    thanks for you help monkeyme! ;)
  • monkeyme's avatar
    go options, preferences, display and sound and then show unique ids. Then view the player you want and you will see it. just copy it down.
  • sicilianoz's avatar
    hey excuse me, but i don't understand what you mean with the unique ID code???
  • RedArmy20's avatar
    ehm maybe its not 9.3.0 compatible.

    grumman020, thanks for the description!

    and lads so far what i have heard there is not gonna be any FMM anymore.
  • mih's avatar
    mih15 years ago
    i cannot use fm modifier v3.0. every time i try click "c" ( i am in the game and i try type id code ) appear same number (time 30/12/1899).... i want help, please
  • mih's avatar
    grumman02015 years ago
    hi guys, i know chinese and i hope i can help u with this. first of the editor. type in the player's unique ID code on the top left hand box. Then click "C" on the top right hand of the editor.
    the basic information of the player should appear.
    Now, starting from the top left box is "current ability" moving downwards, they are "potential ability"
    "market value"
    "asking price"
    "local reputation"
    "current reputation"
    "international reputation"
    moving to the right side columns:
    top right is the "D.O.B"
    "match fitness"
    "international Caps"
    "international goals"
    "U21 caps"
    "U21 goals"

    the bottom 2 check boxes are "injured" and "banned" respectively.
    after making ur changes, remember to click on the "save" button which shud appear as 2 square boxes to u guys somewhere at the right nearer the top. it works perfectly well for me on my Vista. it's regrettable that this editor cant edit the vital stats
  • scarhead93's avatar
    ye but usin stuff like this is basically cheatin! u gotta take the blow if ur players get injured! i had 9 1st team players injured for valencia n still doin ok! u just gotta take the blow boys!
  • monkeyme's avatar
    gutted lol.
  • RedArmy20's avatar
  • mih's avatar
    WG48615 years ago
    it takes so long when will this come out i need it
  • awan9's avatar
    i cannot used fm editor
    every time i used or change something
    it will be error again & again
  • awan9's avatar
    when is it?
    so long to wait larhh
  • TheFMGamer's avatar
    humm we really need it in ENGLISH!
  • mih's avatar
    monkeyukron16 years ago
    bahasa cina...why? english saja dong lg ....lieur....mudeng
    ga cihuy...not good 100%
  • RedArmy20's avatar
    try fm editor instead, i have heard that the maker of this editor wont be doing anything else to it.
  • thegreatgarry's avatar
    I need modifier...
    It takes so long...
  • mih's avatar
    cmblues616 years ago
    wow are you serious, this isn't even funny, its just so stupid.
  • waynekenneth's avatar
    this new modifier is great
  • waynekenneth's avatar
    please tell me your jokin
  • mih's avatar
    kritikal16 years ago
    it has been offcially announced that fmm English version will not be coming out only 1 version comes out for FM and this is it all that patience and waiting for nothing
  • mih's avatar
    Xtal9916 years ago
    Why is this taking so long?
  • Fackman's avatar
    Maybe he isn't working on it at all!:p
  • waynekenneth's avatar
    very stupid aint it

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