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FM Genie Scout 12 final

All reported loading data errors have been fixed, plus a few more fixes. This is perhaps the last GS12 version before the winter's update patch.

By Updated on Jan 23, 2012   28682 views   1 comments
News - FM Genie Scout 12 final
FM Genie Scout 12 public final is here!

All reported loading data errors have been fixed. Also it includes the following changes:
- French language works again
- Error when creating screenshot of history has been fixed
- The issue with some newgens name has been resolved

Head over to our Genie Scout 12 download page to grab it!

For 'g' version owners, you should be able to find link to the newest build via the update facility of the program. There are 4 'g' specific fixes in addition to the changelog above.

If you want to donate, please use the donation box on Genie Scout homepage.


P.S. Our newsletter followers got the download link before everyone else. We will follow the same drill for the next versions as well, so if you want to receive your download links early next time, make sure you sign up to our newsletter - it's free!

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About Stam

I started FM Scout for fun in the distant 2004. I'm proud of how this place has grown into a vibrant community and I try my best to improve it every year. Husband and father of two.

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Discussion: FM Genie Scout 12 final

1 comments have been posted so far.

  • slackie's avatar
    when i go to load a saved game it says i have no saved games? Help would be much appreciated?
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