How to add the Indonesian League (BRI LIGA 1) Fantasy kits on FM24
Download the .rar file using the "Download Now" button on this page.Extract its contents (using a free tool such as 7-Zip for Windows) to your FM graphics folder. Normally that can be found at the following location:
\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2024\graphics\kits\
Create folders "graphics" and "kits" if they don't exist already.
Open Football Manager 2024 and go to Preferences > Interface.
Tick the check box called 'Reload skin when confirming changes in Preferences'. Hit the 'Clear Cache' button and then hit the 'Confirm' button.
There should be a box that pops up saying 'loading image data for the new skin'. Once this is done your graphics should be working within the game.
Discussion: Fantasy Kits For BRI Liga 1 Indonesia by addityar
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