Here is the first pack of images to use to replace the regen faces in-game. This pack contains faces/images you can use within your save.
How to Install the Regen Facepack
To install the facepack first you will need to have the ID of the players you want to replace the face.In Football Manager, go to settings > preferences > interface and select the field that says "Show sceen IDs in the Title Bar to assist skinning"
Move back to the player you want to replace the face and take note of the ID number.
Replace the name of the image you want on the player with the ID.
Use FM XML or a similar programme to create the XML file
Go to your settings > preferences > interface and clear cache. Reload the skin and the player images should be seen.
Discussion: Legend Regen Facepack for Football Manager
4 comments have been posted so far.
please reupload to different site, thanks