It is an Open Source tool, hosted on Github, so anyone interested can join in. It doesn't matter if you don't know how to program, you could make some graphics, or even just use the program and report whether it works or not, or if it crashes somewhere!
Released: 23 August 2012 - v0.3 - New Version!!
Version 0.3
- Supports all FM 2012 versions up to the currently released 12.2.2
- Ability to scout for players
- See the player's statistics in detail, as well as their hidden statistics
- Amazing predicate editor, so you can search for that awesome player you couldn't find till now
- Automatic application updates keeps you up-to-date with new features
- Person Statistics
- Player Status icons in search results
- New: Player Contract Details
- New: Nation Flags
- New: Better Search
- New: Player reputation
- New: Fitness / Jadedness
- New: Reset Search terms
- Much improved compatibility with saved games!
- Added Support for Mac OS X 10.5 and 10.6
Instructions for the First Run
The first time you load the app, it will try to locate your game's lang_db.dat file automatically. Please, open preferences, by clicking the MacAssistant menu bar and then Preferences after you've successfully loaded a game, to make sure that the file was correctly located. If it wasn't, please click on the default path and point it to the correct location. The game, however, can still load fine without it, so you can safely ignore this for now, until all the new features are added.Bugs
In case you find a bug, or the game you saved doesn't load properly, please file a bug in Github's issue tracker, and I'll try and fix it as soon as possible. If your game doesn't load, please upload the save game on a file host, and paste a link in the issue report, this will make sure that it will be fixed as soon as possible.Feature Requests
You can always request that feature that you want that will make this editor the best! Just leave a message in the issue tracker, mark it as an enhancement, and wait for the next release! Any doable feature requested will make it in the next release if it's not that time consuming. But if it is, you'll probably have to wait a few releases. It's still gonna be added!License
This application is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License V3. Please read the license and make sure you agree, before using this software or its source code. This license is fully compatible with the license that the FMSX source code was released.Credits
MacAssistant 2012 is my first try for a fully featured assistant tool, after getting involved with Dr Bernhard's Scout Framework for Windows. Since then I've moved platforms, and I've always wanted to create a tool myself.It is based on littleblue's open source code for FMSX, but since the source code wasn't updated for 2012, I fixed it to work with the 2012 version as well. Thanks a lot littleblue, this would have never been possible without your released code!
Note for OS X 10.5 and 10.6 Users
Please download this file instead of the main onehttps://github.com/downloads/thanoulas/MacAssistant-2012/MacAssistant2012-10.6.dmg
Have fun!
Discussion: MacAssistant 2012
14 comments have been posted so far.
i'm looking for this tool everywhere but cannot find it. is it possible for someone to upload it or provide a link..?
thank you
I too prefer FM12... not sure why, just prefer it! I just found my copy of MacAssistant 2012, so uploaded here for you and anyone else who wants it.
Very cool ap. Unfortunately after the first season I had the same problem as @garycrispin. MA doesn't load the players. Tried reinstalling MA and saving new games in FM but the problem persists. The old saved games work perfectly. Is it possible to fix it?
My Mac os x vesion is 10.6.8
Greetings from Madeira Island, Portugal
@meinhardsson I'm currently looking into a "between" search. What do you mean with the undo? A way to reset the search filters? Or something like a history so you can search with previously searched terms?
And another thing is that it would be awesome if it was possible to undo a selection.
When I load my game it says 0 countries, 0 clubs and 0 persons loaded. Huh?
Seems pretty useless unless Im doing something wrong?
1: MA suddenly doesn't load any players from my save. It works if I start a new game
2: I have started a new game using a database update with the summer transfers etc. Now MA crashes - it wont even start the app any more
1: ability to save loaded players to shortlist file
Great initiative with a free app!!!!