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Rafa Benitez 4-2-3-1 Possession // FM20 Tactic

The Rafa Benitez 4231 is a balanced custom vertical tiki-taka tactic for FM 2020 inspired by Rafael Benitez' possession based football.

By on May 21, 2020   22749 views   2 comments
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Downloads: 2663 / Size: 45.9 kB / Added: 2020-05-21
Football Manager 2020 Tactics - Rafa Benitez 4-2-3-1 Possession // FM20 Tactic
The tactic is developed for Sunderland AFC.

I'm looking for ways to balance the tactic even more as it has some areas it needs improvement in still.

All feedback appreciated.

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Downloads: 2663 / Size: 45.9 kB / Added: 2020-05-21
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Discussion: Rafa Benitez 4-2-3-1 Possession // FM20 Tactic

2 comments have been posted so far.

  • eddow's avatar
    Forget my previous post, a few little tweaks have made this tactic work for me.
    -The right central defender has now the defend duty, so the defenders are in one line and the offside trap can work.
    -I have given the goalkeeper the Sweeper keeper (defend) role.
    -The AMC has now the attacking midfielder (attack) role with PI's "roam from position" and "move into channels" to give a bit more support to the midfield duo while also appearing in the box a lot.
    - I removed the "stay on feet" TI. I had the feeling that players let the opponent run past them too easily.
    -I removed the "play for set pieces" TI, because it undoes momentum, when the team is putting pressure on the opponent.

    I hope it works for you!
  • eddow's avatar
    Nice tactic, I had some good results with it as Liverpool. Only bad result was against city where I lost 3-1. Some player roles I suggest to change:

    BBM(s) -> BWM (d): Benitez typically used a ball winning midfielder next to a deep lying playmaker.

    Changing the role of the AMC to Advanced playmaker (support) also had a good effect on my team performance and on the AMC's average rating.

    I am curious to know what your thinking is behind using a central defender on cover duty. This doesn't seem to make sense, since you use the offside trap.

    I would like to hear what you think about my suggestions and what changes you consider making.
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